Chamber and Solo Music (A Murmuration of Starlings) (Karr, Nelson, Jurs, Mattingly, Drummond, Elysian Trombone Consort)

- Titel: Chamber and Solo Music (A Murmuration of Starlings) (Karr, Nelson, Jurs, Mattingly, Drummond, Elysian Trombone Consort) / SATTERWHITE, M.. Drummond, Jayne, Oboe -- Elysian Trombone Consort, Ensemble -- Heim, Bruce, Corno da caccia -- Jurs, Douglas, Klavier -- Karr, Kathy, Flöte -- Karr, Matthew, Fagott -- Mattingly, Stephen, Gitarre -- Nelson, Matthew, Klarinette -- Potochnic, Jennifer, Oboe d'amore -- Ramsay, Parker, Harfe -- Satterwhite, Marc, Komponist
- Person(en): Satterwhite, Marc ; Satterwhite, Marc [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Elysian Trombone Consort
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Centaur, 2022
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Yötön Yö (Nightless Night) / Satterwhite, Marc 00:10:31 -- 5 Strong Winds: No. 1. Xlokk—a cold dry wind in Malbec; No. 2. Mbatis—a light evening southern breeze in Greece; No. 3. Siffanto—a breathtaking hot wind in the "heel" of Italy; No. 4. Wabun—an Eastern wind that brings the dawn in Algonquin territory; No. 5. Chinook—a burning Montana wind; ... / Satterwhite, Marc 00:16:56 -- Bravismos: I. The Earth Itself (La tierra misma); II. Scratched Glass (Vidrio raspado); III. Crown of Thorns (Corona de espinas); IV. Pinwheels (Los rehiletes) / Satterwhite, Marc 00:19:05 -- Colores de Miró: I. The Birth of the World; II. Solar Bird, Lunar Bird, Sparks; III. The Gold of the Azure; IV. Harlequin's Carnival / Satterwhite, Marc 00:16:30 -- Víctor Jara's Hands: I. Estadio Chile: Toccata; II. Canto elegíaco / Satterwhite, Marc 00:13:16 -- A Murmuration of Starlings: I. An Exaltation of Larks; II. A Charm of Goldfinches; III. A Murder of Crows; IV. A Murmuration of Starlings / Satterwhite, Marc 00:17:43 -- Trombone Sermons: I. Invocation (Listen Lord a Prayer); II. Let My People Go; III. The Judgment Day / Satterwhite, Marc 00:14:25 --
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