MUSIK KLINGT ASOJ SCHEJN (DI)! - Klezmer di tswaijte (Harts un Neschome)
- Titel: MUSIK KLINGT ASOJ SCHEJN (DI)! - Klezmer di tswaijte (Harts un Neschome). Gebirtig, Mordecai, Komponist -- Harts un Neschome, Ensemble -- Jolles, Jerome, Komponist -- Kovács, Béla, Komponist -- Perlmutter, Arnold, Komponist -- Senesh, Hannah, Dichter/Text -- Zehavi, David, Komponist
- Person(en): Gebirtig, Mordecai [Komposition] ; Jolles, Jerome [Komposition] ; Kovács, Béla [Komposition] ; Perlmutter, Arnold [Komposition] ; Zehavi, David [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Harts un Neschome
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Auris Subtilis, 2016
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Klezmer's Freilach 00:04:41 -- Sholem-alekem, Rov Feldman! 00:04:44 -- Dos pintele yid 00:05:32 -- Ballade for a Klezmer 00:04:28 -- Shpil-she mir a Lidele, Heveneu Shalom Alechem 00:04:48 -- Kolomeike 00:03:03 -- That Feeling Freilach 00:03:26 -- The Destiny of Foina 00:04:04 -- Mayshele mayn Fraynd 00:03:32 -- Sammy's Freylachs 00:02:49 -- Ajde Jano 00:03:09 -- On Sabbath Day, A Night in the Garden of Eden 00:05:57 -- Halicha l'kesariya - Dance of Joy 00:03:31 -- Prayer for Peace 00:04:04 --
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