CHRISTMAS AT ST. OLAF COLLEGE, Vol. 3 - What Child Is This? (St. Olaf Choir, Manitou Singers, St. Olaf Cantorei, St. Olaf Orchestra, R. Scholz)

- Titel: CHRISTMAS AT ST. OLAF COLLEGE, Vol. 3 - What Child Is This? (St. Olaf Choir, Manitou Singers, St. Olaf Cantorei, St. Olaf Orchestra, R. Scholz). Amundson, Steven -- Anderson, Jay, Kontrabass -- Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Chesnokov, Pavel, Komponist -- Christiansen, F. Melius, Komponist -- Duson, Dede, Komponist -- Ferguson, John, Komponist -- Forsberg, Charles, Komponist -- Franck, Johann, Dichter/Text -- Gerhardt, Paul, Dichter/Text -- Gretchaninov, Alexander, Komponist -- Henrici, Christian Friedrich, Dichter/Text -- Honegger, Arthur, Komponist -- Jennings, Kenneth, Komponist -- Johnson, Sigrid -- Jonae, Laurentius, Dichter/Text -- Luther, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Manitou Singers, Chor -- Menotti, Gian Carlo, Komponist -- Morax, Rene, Dichter/Text -- Naylor, Edward Woodall, Komponist -- Perronet, Edward, Dichter/Text -- Rist, Johann, Dichter/Text -- Runge, Christoph, Dichter/Text -- Rutter, John -- Scholz, Robert, Komponist -- Shrubsole, William, Komponist -- St. Olaf Cantorei, Chor -- St. Olaf Chapel Choir, Chor -- St. Olaf Choir, Chor -- St. Olaf Orchestra, Orchester -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Viking Chorus, Chor -- Wade, John Francis, Komponist -- Weissel, Georg, Dichter/Text -- Werner, Georg, Dichter/Text -- Willan, Healey, Komponist
- Person(en): Bach, Johann Sebastian [Komposition] ; Chesnokov, Pavel [Komposition] ; Christiansen, F. Melius [Komposition] ; Duson, Dede [Komposition] ; Ferguson, John [Komposition] ; Forsberg, Charles [Komposition] ; Gretchaninov, Alexander [Komposition] ; Honegger, Arthur [Komposition] ; Jennings, Kenneth [Komposition] ; Menotti, Gian Carlo [Komposition] ; Naylor, Edward Woodall [Komposition] ; Scholz, Robert [Komposition] ; Shrubsole, William [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Wade, John Francis [Komposition] ; Willan, Healey [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Manitou Singers ; St. Olaf Cantorei ; St. Olaf Chapel Choir ; St. Olaf Choir ; St. Olaf Orchestra ; Viking Chorus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: St. Olaf Records, 1991
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Fantasia on Greensleeves (arr. for orchestra) 00:04:12 -- Lift Up Your Heads (arr. C. Forsberg choir) 00:03:57 -- Weihnachtsoratorium BWV 248 00:01:57 -- Vox Dicentis 00:04:50 -- Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (bearb. von H. Distler) 00:02:50 -- Softly, Softly Fell the Snow 00:01:50 -- Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day (bearb. von J. Rutter) 00:02:28 -- Spaseniye sodelal yesi posrede zemli (Die Erlösung wurde erschaffen) op. 25 Nr. 5 00:03:35 -- Hodie, Christus natus est 00:02:00 -- Adeste fideles (O Come All Ye Faithful) (arr. G.W. Cassler for choir) 00:02:35 -- From Heaven Winging (arr. B. Ramsey for choir) 00:01:35 -- Shepherds, Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep (arr. R. Scholz for choir) 00:01:43 -- From Heaven Above (arr. D. Duson for choir) 00:03:27 -- Dance of the Shepherds 00:03:19 -- What Child Is This? (arr. G.W. Cassler for choir) 00:02:09 -- Carols for the Choirs: Mary, Mary - He Is Born, the Holy Child - While Angel Voices Rang - God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen - Christians All, Rejoice and Sing (arr. C. Jennings for choir) 00:05:10 -- All-Night Vigil op. 59 00:04:53 -- I Saw Three Ships (arr. C. Jennings) 00:01:02 -- O Day Full of Grace (arr. F.M. Christiansen for choir) 00:03:48 -- Le Roi David (König David) (Gesungen auf Englisch) 00:04:22 -- Miles Lane, "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" (arr. R. Vaughan Williams) 00:05:13 --
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