Spectre of the Maiden Scorned / Cantica Sacra / Kontakia / Theotokia (Clare College Choir Cambridge male section, G. Ross)

- Titel: Spectre of the Maiden Scorned / Cantica Sacra / Kontakia / Theotokia (Clare College Choir Cambridge male section, G. Ross) / KAKABADSE, L.. Aquinas, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bradley, Sarah-Jane, Viola -- Clare College Choir, Cambridge, male section, Ensemble -- Durham, Grace, Mezzosopran -- Fullbrook, Ben, Schlagwerk -- Griffiths, Ben, Kontrabass -- Hoffman, Martha Lavinia, Dichter/Text -- Jenkinson, Katherine, Violoncello -- Kakabadse, Lydia, Komponist -- Pailthorpe, Emily, Oboe -- Ross, Graham -- Trickey, Sara, Violine -- Umble, Kathryn Thomas, Flöte
- Person(en): Kakabadse, Lydia ; Kakabadse, Lydia [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Clare College Choir, Cambridge, male section
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Divine Art, 2016
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Spectre of the Maiden Scorned: Scene 1: Solemnity; Scene 2: Rites of Passage; Scene 3: The Maiden's Ire; Scene 4: Foreboding; Scene 5: Monks' Entreaty; ... / Kakabadse, Lydia 00:24:02 -- Cantica Sacra: No. 1. Pater Noster; No. 2. Panis Angelicus; No. 3. De Profundis; No. 4. Angelus; No. 5. Agnus Dei; ... / Kakabadse, Lydia 00:16:07 -- Kontakia: No. 1. Those who shall be rewarded; No. 2. A shimmering vision; No. 3. Those who shall be protected; No. 4. The devil's torment; No. 5. Six days before Easter; ... / Kakabadse, Lydia 00:15:22 -- Theotokia: Salve Regina; Ave Maria; Magnificat; O Sanctissima; O Magnum Mysterium; ... / Kakabadse, Lydia 00:13:07 --
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