Chormusik (Nicholas)

- Titel: Chormusik (Nicholas) / WEELKES, T.. Andre, Benoit, Sopran -- Atherton, James, Tenor -- Bath, David, Sopran -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Burrows, Stephen, Alt -- Etherington, Carleton, Orgel -- Field, Sebastian, Countertenor -- Gay, Oliver, Sopran -- Hunnis, William, Dichter/Text -- Ingold, Timothy, Alt -- King, Aaron, Sopran -- Monk, Christopher, Orgel -- Nicholas, Benjamin -- Scott, Nicholas, Tenor -- Tewkesbury Abbey Schola Cantorum, Chor -- Weelkes, Thomas, Komponist
- Person(en): Weelkes, Thomas ; Weelkes, Thomas [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Tewkesbury Abbey Schola Cantorum
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Delphian, 2008
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: O Jonathan, woe is me / Weelkes, Thomas 00:02:31 -- Rejoice in the Lord / Weelkes, Thomas 00:01:33 -- All people clap your hands / Weelkes, Thomas 00:02:05 -- Te Deum / Weelkes, Thomas 00:08:49 -- Jubilate / Weelkes, Thomas 00:03:51 -- O how amiable are thy dwellings / Weelkes, Thomas 00:03:29 -- Christ rising / Weelkes, Thomas 00:06:12 -- When David heard / Weelkes, Thomas 00:04:23 -- Laboravi in gemitu meo / Weelkes, Thomas 00:04:35 -- Magnificat / Weelkes, Thomas 00:05:43 -- Nunc dimittis / Weelkes, Thomas 00:02:57 -- O vos omnes / Weelkes, Thomas 00:04:23 -- Lord, to thee I make my moan / Weelkes, Thomas 00:02:23 -- Give ear, O Lord / Weelkes, Thomas 00:04:44 -- Hosanna to the Son of David / Weelkes, Thomas 00:02:06 --
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