Lieder (Dobracheva, Siurina, Gringyte, Shtoda, Bondarenko, Pogossov, Vinogradov, Burnside)

- Titel: Lieder (Dobracheva, Siurina, Gringyte, Shtoda, Bondarenko, Pogossov, Vinogradov, Burnside) / RACHMANINOW, S.. Apukhtin, Aleksei Nikolayevich, Dichter/Text -- Balmont, Konstantin Dmitriyevich, Dichter/Text -- Beketova, Ekaterina, Dichter/Text -- Biely, Andrei, Dichter/Text -- Blok, Alexander, Dichter/Text -- Bondarenko, Andrei, Bariton -- Bryusov, Valeriy Lakovlevich, Dichter/Text -- Bunin, Ivan Alekseyevich, Dichter/Text -- Burnside, Iain, Klavier -- Chekhov, Anton, Dichter/Text -- Davidova, Mariya, Dichter/Text -- Dimitrescu, Constantin, Dichter/Text -- Dobracheva, Evelina, Sopran -- Fet, Afanasy, Dichter/Text -- Galina, Glafira, Dichter/Text -- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Dichter/Text -- Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Arseny, Dichter/Text -- Gringyte, Justina, Mezzosopran -- Guyau, Jean-Marie, Dichter/Text -- Heine, Heinrich, Dichter/Text -- Hugo, Victor, Dichter/Text -- Khomyakov, Aleksey Stepanovich, Dichter/Text -- Koltsov, Aleksey Vasil'yevich, Dichter/Text -- Korinfsky, Apollon Apollonovich, Dichter/Text -- Kruglov, A., Dichter/Text -- Maykov, A., Dichter/Text -- Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich, Dichter/Text -- Minsky, Nikolai, Dichter/Text -- Nadson, Semyon Yakovlevich, Dichter/Text -- Pleshcheyev, Aleksey Nikolayevich, Dichter/Text -- Pogossov, Rodion, Bariton -- Polonsky, Yakov Petrovich, Dichter/Text -- Pushkin, Alexander, Dichter/Text -- Rachmaninov, Sergey, Komponist -- Rathaus, Daniil, Dichter/Text -- Severianin, Igor, Dichter/Text -- Shevchenko, Taras, Dichter/Text -- Shtoda, Daniil, Tenor -- Siurina, Ekaterina, Sopran -- Sologub, Fyodor, Dichter/Text -- Tolstoy, Alexei, Dichter/Text -- Tyutchev, Fyodor Ivanovich, Dichter/Text -- Vinogradov, Alexander, Dichter/Text -- Vyazemsky, Pyotr Andreyevich, Dichter/Text -- Yanov, M., Dichter/Text -- Zhukovsky, Vasily Andreyevich, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Rachmaninov, Sergey ; Rachmaninov, Sergey [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Delphian, 2014
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: 6 Lieder op. 4: No. 1. O net, molyu, ne ukhodi (Oh no, I beg you, forsake me not); No. 2. Utro (Morning); No. 3. V molchan'i nochi taynoy (In the Silence of the Secret Night); No. 4. Ne poy, krasavitsa, pri mne (Sing not to me, beautiful maiden); No. 5. Uzh ti, niva moya (Oh Thou, my Field); ... / Rachmaninov, Sergey 00:16:55 -- 6 Lieder op. 8: No. 1. Rechnaya lileya (The Waterlily); No. 2. Ditya kak tsvetok ti prekrasna (Child, thou art as Beautiful as a Flower); No. 3. Duma (Brooding); No. 4. Polyubila ya na pechal' svoyu (I have Grown Fond of Sorrow); No. 5. Son (The Dream); ... / Rachmaninov, Sergey 00:12:42 -- 12 Lieder op. 14: No. 1. Ya zhdu tebya (I Wait for Thee); No. 2. Ostrovok (The Isle); No. 3. Davno v lyubvi otradi malo (For Long there has been Little Consolation in Love); No. 4. Ya bil u ney (I was with Her); No. 5. Eti letniye nochi (These Summer Nights); ... / Rachmaninov, Sergey 00:24:20 -- Ikalos' li tebe (Hattest du Schluckauf) / Rachmaninov, Sergey 00:01:45 -- 12 Lieder op. 21: No. 1. Sud'ba (Fate); No. 2. Nad svezhey mogiloy (By the Fresh Grave); No. 3. Sumerki (Twilight); No. 4. Oni otvechali (They Answered); No. 5. Siren' (Lilacs); ... / Rachmaninov, Sergey 00:31:04 -- 15 Lieder op. 26: No. 1. Yest' mnogo zvukov (There are Many Sounds); No. 2. Vsyo otnyal u menya (He Took All from Me); No. 3. Mi otdokhnyom (Let Us Rest); No. 4. Dva proshchaniya (Two Partings); No. 5. Pokinem, milaya (Beloved, Let us Fly); ... / Rachmaninov, Sergey 00:33:55 -- Brief an K. S. Stanislavsky / Rachmaninov, Sergey 00:03:14 -- 14 Lieder op. 34: No. 1. Muza (The Muse); No. 2. V dushe u kazhdogo iz nas (In the Soul of Each of Us); No. 3. Burya (The Storm); No. 4. Veter perelyotniy (The Migrant Wind); No. 5. Arion; ... / Rachmaninov, Sergey 00:40:31 -- 6 Lieder op. 38: No. 1. Noch'u v sadu u menya (In my Garden at Night); No. 2. K ney (To Her); No. 3. Margaritki (Daisies); No. 4. Krisolov (The Rat-Catcher); No. 5. Son (A Dream); ... / Rachmaninov, Sergey 00:15:07 --
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