CHRISTMAS AT ST. OLAF 2016 - Light Dawns, Hope Blooms (2016 St. Olaf Christmas Festival) (Amundson, Armstrong, Bobb, Hibbard, Stover)

- Titel: CHRISTMAS AT ST. OLAF 2016 - Light Dawns, Hope Blooms (2016 St. Olaf Christmas Festival) (Amundson, Armstrong, Bobb, Hibbard, Stover). Amundson, Steven -- Armstrong, Anton -- Arnesen, Kim André, Komponist -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Biedenbender, Philip, Klavier -- Bizet, Georges, Komponist -- Bobb, James E. -- Boersma, Susan Bentall, Dichter/Text -- Bringle, Mary Louise, Dichter/Text -- Christiansen, F. Melius, Komponist -- Courtney, Craig, Komponist -- Coverdale, Myles, Dichter/Text -- Drummond, William, Dichter/Text -- Ferguson, John, Komponist -- Fick, Katherine, Sprecher -- Fraser, Donald, Komponist -- Gibson, Paul, Komponist -- Handel, George Frideric, Komponist -- Hardy, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Herbert, George, Dichter/Text -- Hibbard, Therees Tkach -- Hovland, Egil, Komponist -- Howells, Herbert, Komponist -- Jennings, Kenneth, Komponist -- Jonae, Laurentius, Dichter/Text -- Manitou Singers, Chor -- Marohl, Matthew, Sprecher -- McCulloch, Jane, Dichter/Text -- Mendelssohn, Felix, Komponist -- Milton, John, Dichter/Text -- Prichard, Rowland Hugh, Komponist -- Ratcliff, Cary, Komponist -- Schubring, Julius, Dichter/Text -- Smith, Stephen, Komponist -- St. Olaf Cantorei, Chor -- St. Olaf Chapel Choir, Chor -- St. Olaf Choir, Chor -- St. Olaf Handbell Choir, Chor -- St. Olaf Orchestra, Orchester -- Stover, Mark -- Taulé, Alberto, Komponist -- Thomas, Andre J. -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Vaughan Williams, Ursula, Dichter/Text -- Viking Chorus, Chor -- Wade, John Francis, Komponist -- Watts, Isaac, Dichter/Text -- Wesley, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Winkworth, Catherine, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Arnesen, Kim André [Komposition] ; Bizet, Georges [Komposition] ; Christiansen, F. Melius [Komposition] ; Courtney, Craig [Komposition] ; Ferguson, John [Komposition] ; Fraser, Donald [Komposition] ; Gibson, Paul [Komposition] ; Handel, George Frideric [Komposition] ; Hovland, Egil [Komposition] ; Howells, Herbert [Komposition] ; Jennings, Kenneth [Komposition] ; Mendelssohn, Felix [Komposition] ; Prichard, Rowland Hugh [Komposition] ; Ratcliff, Cary [Komposition] ; Smith, Stephen [Komposition] ; Taulé, Alberto [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Wade, John Francis [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Manitou Singers ; St. Olaf Cantorei ; St. Olaf Chapel Choir ; St. Olaf Choir ; St. Olaf Handbell Choir ; St. Olaf Orchestra ; Viking Chorus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: St. Olaf Records, 2017
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Gift 00:06:07 -- Climb to the Top of the Highest Mountain 00:04:05 -- Narration of Pastor Matthew Marohl (1) 00:00:48 -- All Earth Is Hopeful (Toda la tierra) (arr. J.E. Bobb for choir and orchestra) 00:02:20 -- Prepare the Royal Highway (arr. J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:04:39 -- Elijah op. 70 MWV A25 (Gesungen auf Englisch) 00:03:12 -- A Spotless Rose 00:03:07 -- Noel, Noel, Noel 00:02:34 -- The Hills Are Bare at Bethlehem (arr. J. Ferguson for choir) 00:03:33 -- O Little Town of Bethlehem 00:03:37 -- Let There Be Light 00:02:50 -- O Come, All Ye Faithful (arr. J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:02:17 -- Gospel Reading: John 1:1–14 00:01:03 -- O Come, All Ye Faithful (arr. J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:02:19 -- This Christmastide 00:05:31 -- In My Arms 00:04:29 -- Let Every Heart 00:02:07 -- Huron Carol, "Twas in the Moon of Wintertime" (arr. T.C. Takach for choir) 00:03:33 -- If You Would Hear the Angels Sing 00:02:18 -- His Light in Us 00:05:45 -- Shout for Joy! (arr. A. Thomas for choir) 00:02:48 -- Light Dawns On a Weary World (version for choir and orchestra) 00:02:52 -- L'Arlesienne Suite Nr. 2 (bearb. von E. Guiraud für Orchester) 00:03:25 -- Carols from Scandinavia (arr. S. Amundson for choir and orchestra) 00:03:58 -- Joy to the World (arr. S. Amundson for choir and orchestra) 00:02:26 -- O Day Full of Grace (arr. F.M. Christiansen for choir) 00:03:36 -- Narration of Pastor Katherine Fick 00:00:47 -- Hodie (This Day) 00:06:18 -- Love divine, all loves excelling (arr. J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:04:36 -- Narration of Pastor Matthew Marohl (2) 00:00:45 -- Captive and Free 00:02:41 -- Beautiful Savior (bearb. von F. M. Christiansen) 00:01:49 --
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