PROMISE OF PEACE - The St. Olaf Christmas Festival, 2022 (St. Olaf Choir and Orchestra, Armstrong, Bobb, Chung Park, Hibbard, Wondemagegnehu)

- Titel: PROMISE OF PEACE - The St. Olaf Christmas Festival, 2022 (St. Olaf Choir and Orchestra, Armstrong, Bobb, Chung Park, Hibbard, Wondemagegnehu). Armstrong, Anton -- Bankson, Jeremy, Komponist -- Betinis, Abbie, Komponist -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bobb, James E. -- Bright, John, Dichter/Text -- Browne, Michael Dennis, Dichter/Text -- Buckton, Alice Mary, Dichter/Text -- Chadwick, George Whitefield, Komponist -- Christiansen, F. Melius, Komponist -- Christiansen, Olaf C., Komponist -- Daw Jr., Carl P., Dichter/Text -- Ellington, Duke, Komponist -- Ferguson, John, Komponist -- Forsberg, Charles, Komponist -- French, Jessica, Komponist -- Haydn, Franz Joseph, Komponist -- Hibbard, Therees Tkach -- Holst, Gustav, Komponist -- Hovland, Egil, Komponist -- Leontovych, Mykola Dmytrovych, Komponist -- Manitou Singers, Chor -- Marohl, Matthew, Sprecher -- Mathias, William, Komponist -- Mendelssohn, Felix, Komponist -- Murphy, Kelly-Marie, Komponist -- Park, Chung -- Parry, Hubert, Komponist -- Rossetti, Christina, Dichter/Text -- Sears, Edmund, Dichter/Text -- St. Olaf Cantorei, Chor -- St. Olaf Chapel Choir, Chor -- St. Olaf Choir, Chor -- St. Olaf Orchestra, Orchester -- Strayhorn, Billy, Komponist -- Swieten, Gottfried van, Dichter/Text -- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich, Komponist -- Thomas, Andre J. -- Trenney, Tom, Komponist -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Viking Chorus, Chor -- Wesley, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Whitman, Walt, Dichter/Text -- Wilhousky, Peter J., Dichter/Text -- Willis, Richard S., Komponist -- Wondemagegnehu, Tesfa
- Person(en): Bankson, Jeremy [Komposition] ; Betinis, Abbie [Komposition] ; Chadwick, George Whitefield [Komposition] ; Christiansen, F. Melius [Komposition] ; Christiansen, Olaf C. [Komposition] ; Ellington, Duke [Komposition] ; Ferguson, John [Komposition] ; Forsberg, Charles [Komposition] ; French, Jessica [Komposition] ; Haydn, Franz Joseph [Komposition] ; Holst, Gustav [Komposition] ; Hovland, Egil [Komposition] ; Leontovych, Mykola Dmytrovych [Komposition] ; Mathias, William [Komposition] ; Mendelssohn, Felix [Komposition] ; Murphy, Kelly-Marie [Komposition] ; Parry, Hubert [Komposition] ; Strayhorn, Billy [Komposition] ; Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich [Komposition] ; Trenney, Tom [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Willis, Richard S. [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Manitou Singers ; St. Olaf Cantorei ; St. Olaf Chapel Choir ; St. Olaf Choir ; St. Olaf Orchestra ; Viking Chorus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: St. Olaf Records, 2023
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Sinfonische Skizzen 00:07:08 -- The Heart Worships (arr. J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:03:23 -- Narration* 00:00:46 -- Awake! Awake and Greet the New Morn (arr. J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:03:48 -- Die Schöpfung Hob.XXI:2 00:02:20 -- The Song of Peace 00:02:00 -- Keep Your Lamps! (bearb. von A. Thomas) 00:03:18 -- I Will Make a Way (arr. J. Bankson for choir and orchestra) 00:05:32 -- O Day of Peace (arr. E. Elgar and J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:01:23 -- Gospel Reading 00:02:56 -- O Day of Peace (arr. E. Elgar and J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:01:23 -- Earth, Strike Up Your Music 00:05:51 -- Hodie Christus natus est 00:04:08 -- This Little Light of Mine (arr. M. Hogan for choir) 00:04:22 -- Carol of the Bells (bearb. von P. J. Wilhousky für Chor) 00:01:37 -- Ave Rex op. 45 00:01:32 -- The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a: I. Miniature Overture (arr. D. Ellington and B. Strayhorn for orchestra) 00:02:58 -- Carol of the Stranger 00:02:55 -- It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (arr. C. Forsberg for choir and orchestra) 00:02:38 -- Psalm 50 00:03:02 -- Narration* 00:00:45 -- Dona Nobis Pacem 00:06:31 -- Festgesang, MWV D4, "Gutenberg-Kantate": No. 2. (adap. W.H. Cummings as Hark! The Herald Angels Sing) (arr. J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:03:17 -- Narration* 00:05:52 -- Bli hos oss (Bleib bei uns) op. 87 Nr. 3 00:02:43 -- Beautiful Savior 00:01:46 --
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