Beall, DeLio, White, Korneitchouk, and others

- Titel: Beall, DeLio, White, Korneitchouk, and others / MASTERWORKS OF THE NEW ERA, Vol. 1. Beall, John, Komponist -- Brandon, Sy, Komponist -- Bulgarian National Opera Choir, Chor -- Christov, Christo, Erzähler -- Covington, Forrest, Komponist -- DeLio, Thomas, Komponist -- Feldsher, Howard, Komponist -- Karafezliev, Atana, Posaune -- Korneitchouk, Igor, Komponist -- Krunev, Alexander, Bariton -- Lee, Chihchun Chi-sun, Komponist -- Muller, Jacco, Komponist -- Pavlov, Christo, Flöte -- Philharmonia Bulgarica, Orchester -- Tsabary, Eldad, Komponist -- White, Tyler Goodrich, Komponist -- Winstin, Robert Ian
- Person(en): Beall, John [Komposition] ; Brandon, Sy [Komposition] ; Covington, Forrest [Komposition] ; DeLio, Thomas [Komposition] ; Feldsher, Howard [Komposition] ; Korneitchouk, Igor [Komposition] ; Lee, Chihchun Chi-sun [Komposition] ; Muller, Jacco [Komposition] ; Tsabary, Eldad [Komposition] ; White, Tyler Goodrich [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Bulgarian National Opera Choir ; Philharmonia Bulgarica
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: ERM Media, 2003
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Raven Rock 00:08:43 -- Than 00:03:06 -- Elegy for the Orphans of Terror 00:05:31 -- 3 Haiku und ein Gedicht: In a Cabin by the Sea; Indoors; An Evening Request; Alone 00:08:04 -- I am Music 00:09:32 -- June 5th, 1973 00:05:58 -- Fan-Jen 00:09:49 -- Mirage 00:08:12 -- A Winter's Poem 00:14:31 -- Concerto grosso: Movement I; Movement II; Movement III 00:12:34 --
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