Gloriae Dei Cantores - COPLAND, A. / THOMSON, V. (Sacred and Secular Choral Music)

- Titel: Gloriae Dei Cantores - COPLAND, A. / THOMSON, V. (Sacred and Secular Choral Music) / Choral Concert. Bible, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bybee, Luretta, Mezzosopran -- Chalmers, David, Klavier -- Copland, Aaron, Komponist -- Gloriae Dei Cantores, Chor -- Habbington, William, Dichter/Text -- Jordan, James E., Orgel -- Lowry, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- McCurry, John G., Dichter/Text -- Newton, John, Komponist -- Norman, Luke, Bariton -- Ortolani, David, Schlagwerk -- Patterson, Elizabeth C. -- Thomson, Virgil, Komponist -- Watts, Isaac, Dichter/Text -- Wheeler, Scott, Komponist
- Person(en): Copland, Aaron [Komposition] ; Newton, John [Komposition] ; Thomson, Virgil [Komposition] ; Wheeler, Scott [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Gloriae Dei Cantores
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Gloriae Dei Cantores, 2000
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: In the Beginning 00:16:30 -- Old American Songs I (bearb. von I. Fine): IV. Simple Gifts; I. The Boatmen's Dance 00:04:33 -- Old American Songs II: Nr. 4. At the River (bearb. von R. Wilding-White) 00:03:04 -- Old American Songs II: Nr. 2 Zion's Walls (bearb. von G. Koponen) 00:02:07 -- Old American Songs II (bearb. von I. Fine für Chor) 00:01:43 -- 4 Motetten: No. 1. Help us, O Lord; No. 2. Thou, O Jehovah, abideth forever; No. 3. Have mercy on us, O my Lord; No. 4. Sing ye praises to our King 00:09:52 -- Hymns from the Old South: No. 1. My Shepherd Will Supply My Need; No. 1. The Morning Star; No. 3. Green Fields; No. 2. Death, 'tis a Melancholy Day 00:10:19 -- Mass for 2-Part Chorus and Percussion: Kyrie; Gloria; Credo; Sanctus; Benedictus; ... 00:09:43 -- Tribulationes civitatum 00:02:38 -- De Profundis 00:02:45 -- When I survey the bright celestial sphere (bearb. von S. Wheeler) 00:04:52 --
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