Gloriae Dei Cantores - PARKER, A. / THOMSON, V. / COPLAND, A. / BOLCOM, W. / THOMPSON, R. (Kaleidoscope - America's Faith in Song)

- Titel: Gloriae Dei Cantores - PARKER, A. / THOMSON, V. / COPLAND, A. / BOLCOM, W. / THOMPSON, R. (Kaleidoscope - America's Faith in Song) / Choral Concert. Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bolcom, William, Komponist -- Brackett Jr., Joseph, Komponist -- Copland, Aaron, Komponist -- Emmett, Daniel Decatur, Komponist -- Foote, Arthur, Komponist -- Gabriel V Brass Quintet, Ensemble -- Gloriae Dei Cantores, Chor -- Hempel, Francis, Bariton -- Herrick, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Lowry, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Manz, Paul O., Komponist -- McCurry, John G., Dichter/Text -- Newton, John, Komponist -- Parker, Alice, Dichter/Text -- Patterson, Elizabeth C. -- Shannon, Kathryn, Sopran -- Sowerby, Leo, Komponist -- Thompson, Randall, Komponist -- Thomson, Virgil, Komponist
- Person(en): Bolcom, William [Komposition] ; Brackett Jr., Joseph [Komposition] ; Copland, Aaron [Komposition] ; Emmett, Daniel Decatur [Komposition] ; Foote, Arthur [Komposition] ; Manz, Paul O. [Komposition] ; Newton, John [Komposition] ; Sowerby, Leo [Komposition] ; Thompson, Randall [Komposition] ; Thomson, Virgil [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Gabriel V Brass Quintet ; Gloriae Dei Cantores
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Gloriae Dei Cantores, 1991
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Amazing Grace 00:05:46 -- 8 American Mountain Hymns: No. 6. I Will Arise; No. 8. Foundation 00:03:45 -- The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee 00:02:26 -- Hymns from the Old South 00:01:17 -- The Twenty-third Psalm 00:03:22 -- Holy Manna 00:02:31 -- Let Us Break Bread Together (arr. for brass quintet) 00:03:05 -- Old American Songs II (Text: Traditional) 00:01:43 -- Old American Songs I 00:03:01 -- Old American Songs II (Text von J.G. McCurry) 00:02:07 -- Gospel Preludes, Book 1: No. 1. What a Friend We Have In Jesus! 00:06:52 -- 3 Antiphonal Psalms 00:02:23 -- Hark, I hear the Harps Eternal (bearb. von A. Parker für Chor) 00:02:21 -- Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire 00:04:45 -- Old American Songs II (Text von R. Lowry) 00:03:04 -- The Best of Rooms 00:04:30 -- Old American Songs I (Text von J. Brackett, Jr.) 00:01:32 -- E'en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come 00:02:19 --
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