
- Titel: 1918 / AMERICAN ORIGINALS. Auden, Wystan Hugh, Dichter/Text -- Berens, Timothy, Gitarre -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Blake, Eubie, Komponist -- Boyer, Peter, Komponist -- Bradford, Perry, Komponist -- Brooks, Shelton, Komponist -- Brymn, J. Tim, Komponist -- Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, Orchester -- Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, members, Ensemble -- Cohan, George M., Komponist -- Cook, Will Marion, Komponist -- Donaldson, Walter, Komponist -- Europe, James Reese, Komponist -- Giddens, Rhiannon, Komponist -- Graham, Roger, Komponist -- Handy, William Christopher, Komponist -- Hill, Billy, Dichter/Text -- Hupfeld, Herman, Komponist -- Johnson, James Price, Komponist -- LaFarge, Pokey, Gesang -- Lewis, Sam, Komponist -- Martin, Steve, Komponist -- Norton, George, Komponist -- Russell, John Morris -- Sanders, Nicky, Komponist -- Sissle, Noble, Dichter/Text -- Spangler, Julie, Klavier -- Steep Canyon Rangers, Ensemble -- Sullivan, Robert, Trompete -- Watson, Robyn, Dichter/Text -- Williams, Spencer, Komponist -- Young, Joe, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Blake, Eubie [Komposition] ; Boyer, Peter [Komposition] ; Bradford, Perry [Komposition] ; Brooks, Shelton [Komposition] ; Brymn, J. Tim [Komposition] ; Cohan, George M. [Komposition] ; Cook, Will Marion [Komposition] ; Donaldson, Walter [Komposition] ; Europe, James Reese [Komposition] ; Giddens, Rhiannon [Komposition] ; Graham, Roger [Komposition] ; Handy, William Christopher [Komposition] ; Hupfeld, Herman [Komposition] ; Johnson, James Price [Komposition] ; Lewis, Sam [Komposition] ; Martin, Steve [Komposition] ; Norton, George [Komposition] ; Sanders, Nicky [Komposition] ; Williams, Spencer [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Cincinnati Pops Orchestra ; Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, members ; Steep Canyon Rangers
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Fanfare Cincinnati, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Hello Cincinnati! 00:00:10 -- Hey There! (arr. T. Berens for orchestra) 00:02:40 -- How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm 00:03:56 -- Over There (arr. R. Mounsey) 00:04:06 -- I Ain't Gonna Play No Second Fiddle 00:04:10 -- At the Darktown Strutters Ball (arr. J Price for orchestra) 00:04:16 -- Night Owl 00:03:55 -- Runnin' Wild (arr. R. Mounsey for orchestra) 00:03:16 -- In Dahomey 00:03:21 -- God Bless America (arr. R. Mounsey for orchestra) 00:03:38 -- In the Cause of the Free 00:06:56 -- Prairie Lullaby 00:03:18 -- Shuffle Along 00:03:00 -- Cocoanut Grove Jazz 00:02:49 -- Memphis Blues 00:03:32 -- Remember 00:02:58 -- I Ain't Got Nobody 00:06:05 -- Auden's Train 00:07:05 --
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