Choral and Organ Music (Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Darlington)

- Titel: Choral and Organ Music (Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Darlington) / JANÁČEK, L.. Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Carwood, Andrew, Tenor -- Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford, Chor -- Darlington, Stephen, Orgel -- Davies, Victoria, Harfe -- Driskill-Smith, Clive, Orgel -- Janáček, Leoš, Komponist -- Lord Byron (George Gordon Byron), , Dichter/Text -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Nassif, Aline, Violine -- Veveritsa, Maria Nikolayevna, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Janáček, Leoš ; Janáček, Leoš [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Griffin Records, 2016
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Otče náš (The Lord's Prayer), JW IV/29 / Janáček, Leoš 00:16:08 -- Ave Maria, JW IV/16 / Janáček, Leoš 00:05:20 -- Elegie na smrt dcery Olgy (Elegy on the Death of my Daughter Olga), JW IV/30 / Janáček, Leoš 00:07:27 -- Exaudi Deus, JW II/3 / Janáček, Leoš 00:01:33 -- Chorální fantasie, (Chorale Fantasy) JW VIII/4 / Janáček, Leoš 00:07:30 -- Zdrávas Maria (Hail Mary), JW II/14 / Janáček, Leoš 00:04:04 -- Constitues, JW II/12 / Janáček, Leoš 00:01:56 -- Veni sancte spiritus, JW II/13 / Janáček, Leoš 00:02:18 -- Varyto, JW VIII/3 / Janáček, Leoš 00:04:00 -- Messe pour orgue, JW XII/4 (after F. Liszt's Missa pro organo lectarum celebrationi missarum adjumento inserviens, S264/R384): Kyrie; Gloria; Credo; Sanctus and Benedictus; Benedictus; ... / Janáček, Leoš 00:16:35 --
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