St. John's College Choir Cambridge - BACH, J.S. / MOZART, W.A. / HOWELLS, H. / BRITTEN, B. (Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring' - Favourites)

- Titel: St. John's College Choir Cambridge - BACH, J.S. / MOZART, W.A. / HOWELLS, H. / BRITTEN, B. (Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring' - Favourites) / Choral Concert. Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Britten, Benjamin, Komponist -- Bruckner, Anton, Komponist -- Fletcher, Phineas, Dichter/Text -- Franck, Salomo, Dichter/Text -- Guest, George -- Howells, Herbert, Komponist -- Hunnis, William, Dichter/Text -- Ireland, John, Komponist -- Jahn, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Lallouette, Jean Francois, Komponist -- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Komponist -- Naylor, Edward Woodall, Komponist -- Runnett, Henry Brian, Orgel -- St. John's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Walton, William, Komponist -- Weelkes, Thomas, Komponist -- White, Peter Gilbert, Orgel
- Person(en): Bach, Johann Sebastian [Komposition] ; Britten, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Bruckner, Anton [Komposition] ; Howells, Herbert [Komposition] ; Ireland, John [Komposition] ; Lallouette, Jean Francois [Komposition] ; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Komposition] ; Naylor, Edward Woodall [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Walton, William [Komposition] ; Weelkes, Thomas [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): St. John's College Choir, Cambridge
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Griffin Records, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Festival Te Deum op. 32 00:05:59 -- Lord, Thou hast been our refuge 00:08:03 -- Ave verum corpus KV 618 00:03:45 -- Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben BWV 147 00:07:20 -- Vox Dicentis 00:08:15 -- O mysterium ineffabile 00:02:24 -- Magnificat und Nunc dimittis (Gloucester Service): Nunc dimittis; Magnificat 00:11:27 -- Christus factus est WAB 11 00:05:42 -- Give ear, O Lord 00:06:01 -- A Litany 00:03:21 -- Locus iste WAB 23 00:03:17 -- A Hymn to the Virgin 00:03:17 -- Greater love hath no man 00:06:15 --
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