Guitar Music (Sketches) (Wallace)

- Titel: Guitar Music (Sketches) (Wallace) / WALLACE, F.. Wallace, Frank, Vihuela
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Gyre Music, 2004
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Garcia Lorca's Riddle: I. Seis Doncellas; II. Suenos de ayer; III. Doncellas; IV. Redonda 00:03:02 -- Friend of the Sand Winds: I. The Tower; II. Angel on the Road; III. A Silence that Wavers; IV. Sand Winds 00:04:35 -- Orientale: I. - II: —; III. —; IV. - V. —; VI. — 00:06:17 -- Nuevas cantigas: I. Montserrat; II. Imperayritz; III. Las abadessas; IV. Loor; V. Cantiga Santa Maria Valed; ... 00:10:29 -- 5 polyphone Fantasien: No. 1. —; No. 2. —; No. 3. —; No. 4. —; No. 5. —; ... 00:08:04 -- Harlequin in Love: I. He Fools; II. He Pines; III. He Loves; IV. On the sol, in mi; V. He Flees; ... 00:13:09 -- 6 Gebete: No. 1. Renewal; No. 2. Mercy; No. 3. Reverence; No. 4. The Other; No. 5. Duende; ... 00:10:21 -- Inversions: I. —; II. —; III. — 00:03:42 -- Good Winds for Dionisio: Theme; Variation 1; Variation 2; Variation 3; Variation 4; ... 00:10:41 --
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