Vocal Music (17th Century) - JOHNSON, R. / LAWES, W. / COPRARIO, J. / RAMSEY, R. (Perpetual Night) (Richardot, Ensemble Correspondances, Daucé)

- Titel: Vocal Music (17th Century) - JOHNSON, R. / LAWES, W. / COPRARIO, J. / RAMSEY, R. (Perpetual Night) (Richardot, Ensemble Correspondances, Daucé). Banister, John, Komponist -- Beaumont, Francis, Dichter/Text -- Behn, Aphra, Dichter/Text -- Blow, John, Komponist -- Campion, Thomas, Komponist -- Carew, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Cartwright, William, Dichter/Text -- Coprario, John, Komponist -- Dauce, Sebastien -- Davenant, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Davenant, William, Dichter/Text -- Ensemble Correspondances, Ensemble -- Fletcher, John, Dichter/Text -- Hart, James, Komponist -- Herrick, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Hilton, John, Dichter/Text -- Jackson, John, Komponist -- Jenkins, John, Komponist -- Johnson, Robert, Komponist -- Lanier, Nicholas, Komponist -- Lawes, William, Komponist -- Locke, Matthew, Komponist -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Raleigh, Walter, Dichter/Text -- Ramsey, Robert, Komponist -- Richardot, Lucile, Mezzosopran -- Shakespeare, William, Dichter/Text -- Tomkins, John, Komponist -- Webb, William, Komponist
- Person(en): Banister, John [Komposition] ; Blow, John [Komposition] ; Campion, Thomas [Komposition] ; Coprario, John [Komposition] ; Hart, James [Komposition] ; Jackson, John [Komposition] ; Jenkins, John [Komposition] ; Johnson, Robert [Komposition] ; Lanier, Nicholas [Komposition] ; Lawes, William [Komposition] ; Locke, Matthew [Komposition] ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition] ; Ramsey, Robert [Komposition] ; Tomkins, John [Komposition] ; Webb, William [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Ensemble Correspondances
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Harmonia Mundi, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Care-charming sleep 00:05:15 -- Whieles I this standing lake swathed up with ewe 00:03:07 -- Earl of Somerset's Masque 00:02:00 -- What tears, dear Prince 00:03:27 -- Music, the master of thy art is dead 00:02:50 -- No More Shall Meads be Deck'd with Flowers* 00:03:10 -- Go, Perjured Man! 00:01:18 -- Pavan in F-Dur 00:04:02 -- Give me my Lute 00:02:27 -- Howl not, you ghosts and furies 00:04:40 -- Britanocles the great and good appears 00:03:18 -- Pow'rful Morpheus, Let Thy Charms 00:04:46 -- Rise, princely shepherd 00:06:39 -- Adieu to the pleasures 00:04:44 -- Amintas, that true hearted swain 00:03:43 -- Poor Celadon, he sighs in vain (Loving Above Himself) 00:05:10 -- The Broken Consort, Part I: Suite No. 3 in C Major 00:01:24 -- Celestial music did the gods inspire, Z. 322 00:04:16 -- Phillis, oh! turn that face 00:02:02 -- Sing, ye muses 00:03:43 --
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