
- Titel: Mikrokosmos / BARTOK. Bartók, Béla, Komponist -- Bartók-Pásztory, Ditta, Klavier
- Person(en): Bartók, Béla ; Bartók, Béla [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Hungaroton, 2000
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Mikrokosmos BB 105 Buch 1: Nos. 1-6. 6 Unison Melodies; Nos. 7-10. Dotted notes - Repetition - Syncopation - With Alternate Hands; Nos. 11-17. Parallel Motion - Reflection - Change of Position - Question and Answer - Village Song - Parallel Motion and Change of Position …; Nos. 18-21. 4 Unison Melodies; Nos. 22-25. Imitation and Counterpoint - Imitation and Inversion - Pastorale - Imitation and Inversion; ... / Bartók, Béla 00:23:01 -- Mikrokosmos BB 105 Buch 2: Nos. 37-42. In Lydian Mode. Staccato and Legato [1 and 2]. In Yugoslav Mode. Melody with Accompaniment. Accompaniment in Broken Triads.; Nos. 43-46. In Hungarian Style. Contrary Motion. Meditation. Increasing-Diminishing.; Nos. 47-50. Big Fair. In Mixolydian Mode. Crescendo-Dimenuendo. Minuet.; Nos. 51-57. Waves. Unison Divided. In Transylvanian Style. Chromatic. Triplets in Lydian Mode. Melody in 10ths. Accents.; Nos. 58-62. In Oriental Style. Major anD Minor. Canon with Sustained Notes. Pentatonic Melody. Minor 6ths in Parallel Motion; ... / Bartók, Béla 00:20:19 -- Mikrokosmos BB 105 Buch 3: Nos. 67-73. 3rds against a Single Voice. Hungarian Dance (a, b). A Chord Study. Melody against Double Notes. 3rds. Dragon's Dance. 6ths and…; Nos. 74-78. Hungarian Song (a). Triplets. In 3 Parts. Little Study. 5-Tone Scale; Nos. 79-80. Hommage a J.S.B.. Hommage a R. Sch.; Nos. 81-86. Wandering. Scherzo. Melody with Interruptions. Merriment. Broken Chords. 2 Major Pentachords; Nos. 87-90. Variations. Duet for Pipes. In 4 Parts. In Russian Style; ... / Bartók, Béla 00:23:42 -- Mikrokosmos BB 105 Buch 4: Nos. 97-101. Notturno. Thumb Under. Crossed Hands. In the Style of a Folksong. Diminished 5th; Nos. 102-108. Harmonics. Minor anD Major. Through the Keys (a,b). Playsong (with 2 pentatonic scales). Children's Song. Melody in the Mist.…; Nos. 109-112. From the Island of Bali. Clashing Sounds. Intermezzo. Variations on a Folktune; Nos. 113-117. Bulgarian Rhythm 1. Theme and Inversion. Bulgarian Rhythm 2. Melody. Bourree; Nos. 118-121. Triplets in 9/8 Time. Dance in 3/4 Time. 5th Chords. 2-Part Study; ... / Bartók, Béla 00:26:17 -- Mikrokosmos BB 105 Buch 5: Nos. 122-124. Chords Together and Opposed. Staccato and Legato (a, b). Staccato; Nos. 125, 126, 128. Boating. Change of Time. Peasant Dance; Nos. 129-131. Alternating 3rds. Village Joke. 4ths; Nos. 132-135. Major 2nds Broken and Together. Syncopation. Studies in Double Notes (1, 2,3). Perpetuum Mobile; Nos. 136-139. Whole-Tone Scale. Unison. Bagpipe. Merry Andrew; ... / Bartók, Béla 00:19:19 -- Mikrokosmos BB 105 Buch 6: Nos. 140-141. Free Variations. Subject and Reflection; No. 142. From the Diary of a Fly; Nos. 143-144. Divided Arpeggios. Minor 2nds, Major 7ths; No. 145. Chromatic Invention (a, b); Nos. 146-147. Ostinato. March; ... / Bartók, Béla 00:25:38 --
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