Choral Works for Female Choir (Tanshisho) (Aoi High School Choir, Asaka Reimei High School Choir)

- Titel: Choral Works for Female Choir (Tanshisho) (Aoi High School Choir, Asaka Reimei High School Choir) / SUZUKI, Teruaki. Aoi High School Choir, Chor -- Asaka Reimei High School Choir, Chor -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Cantante, Cassiopeia, Instrumente -- Hamasaki, Kyoko -- Izumo Daiichi Junior High School Choir, Chor -- Ooka, Makoto, Dichter/Text -- Sato, Mikiko -- Seisen Jyogakuin High School Choir, Chor -- Shishido, Shinichi -- Soh, Sakon, Dichter/Text -- Suzuki, Azusa, Klavier
- Organisation(en): Aoi High School Choir ; Asaka Reimei High School Choir ; Izumo Daiichi Junior High School Choir ; Seisen Jyogakuin High School Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Giovanni, 2013
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Psalmus: Psalm 96, "Cantate Domino" (Sing to the Lord); Psalm 51, "Miserere Mei, Deus" (God Have Mercy On Me); Psalm 22, "Deus, Deus meus, Quare Me Dereliquisti?" (God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?) 00:20:24 -- Renka-Hisho: No. 1. Nagakaramu kokoromo shirazu kurokami no (Stripes of Black Waves); No. 2. Kimigatame haruno noni idete eakana tsumu (I Would Like to Give You); No. 3. Tsukubane no mineyori otsuru minanogawa (Talking Is Gone) 00:18:23 -- 3 Chants for St. Maria: No. 1. Ave Maria (Hail Mary); No. 2. Ave Maris Stella (Bird of the Sea Star); No. 3. Ave regina caelorum (Hail the Queen of the Heavens) 00:11:43 -- Tanshisho goka: I. Syou-Zou (Portrait); II. Uchu no shitatari wo ukete (Receiving the Drops of the Universe); III. Youjyu no uta (Song of the Little Beast); IV. Kimi matsuto (Waiting for You); V. Un-Mei (Fate); ... 00:29:19 --
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