Chamber Music - MILLIKAN, A. / GEERS, D. / FRIED, P. / GABLE, C. / JACKANICH, K. / RUBIN, J.H. / HONG, G. / HENSOLD, D. (Here and Now) (Zeitgeist)

- Titel: Chamber Music - MILLIKAN, A. / GEERS, D. / FRIED, P. / GABLE, C. / JACKANICH, K. / RUBIN, J.H. / HONG, G. / HENSOLD, D. (Here and Now) (Zeitgeist). Barnett, Carol, Komponist -- Blackburn, Philip, Komponist -- Brooks, Jeffrey, Komponist -- Davids, Brent Michael, Komponist -- Ewart, Douglas, Bambusflöte -- Fratzke, Erik, Komponist -- Fried, Phil, Komponist -- Gable, Christopher, Komponist -- Gao, Hong, Komponist -- Geers, Douglas, Komponist -- Granias, Chris, Komponist -- Heitzeg, Steve, Komponist -- Heller, Brian, Komponist -- Hensold, Dick, Komponist -- Jackanich, Kathy, Komponist -- Jensen, Marc, Komponist -- Larsen, Libby, Komponist -- Means, David, Komponist -- Miller, Scott, Komponist -- Millikan, Ann, Komponist -- Olson, Mike, Komponist -- Rubin, Justin, Komponist -- Smith, Matthew, Komponist -- Thomas, Carei, Komponist -- Thomas, David, Bass -- Vandervelde, Janika, Komponist -- Wolff, David, Komponist -- Zeitgeist, Ensemble
- Person(en): Barnett, Carol [Komposition] ; Blackburn, Philip [Komposition] ; Brooks, Jeffrey [Komposition] ; Davids, Brent Michael [Komposition] ; Fratzke, Erik [Komposition] ; Fried, Phil [Komposition] ; Gable, Christopher [Komposition] ; Gao, Hong [Komposition] ; Geers, Douglas [Komposition] ; Granias, Chris [Komposition] ; Heitzeg, Steve [Komposition] ; Heller, Brian [Komposition] ; Hensold, Dick [Komposition] ; Jackanich, Kathy [Komposition] ; Jensen, Marc [Komposition] ; Larsen, Libby [Komposition] ; Means, David [Komposition] ; Miller, Scott [Komposition] ; Millikan, Ann [Komposition] ; Olson, Mike [Komposition] ; Rubin, Justin [Komposition] ; Smith, Matthew [Komposition] ; Thomas, Carei [Komposition] ; Vandervelde, Janika [Komposition] ; Wolff, David [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Zeitgeist
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Innova, 2011
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Kuiper Belt Wamfle 00:02:43 -- Tight Tie Size Try 00:02:11 -- Itty Bitty Symphony 00:02:31 -- Beat That Clock 00:02:46 -- But Do the Cranes Know 00:04:14 -- Il momento lussureggiante per tre musicisti 00:03:04 -- Celebration of 150/30 Year 00:03:12 -- Zeitgeist Anniversary Tune 00:02:21 -- American Indian Movement (No Reservations) 00:03:46 -- Z-Bekiko 00:03:37 -- Three Sides of the Issue: Cartoon XVIa 00:01:55 -- Thirty for Four 00:01:51 -- Spells 00:02:41 -- Ruggles on Main 00:02:07 -- And Thirty More II 00:02:39 -- Some Kind of Virus 00:02:26 -- Playing Back, Listening Forward 00:02:44 -- They're In There Somewhere 00:02:26 -- Stück 00:02:34 -- Quiptych 00:01:34 -- Z=30: Schumann's Excellent Extension 00:02:36 -- Something Pearl 00:03:07 -- Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity 00:01:50 -- Ricochet 00:01:59 -- Getting Your Z's (Or Not) 00:02:54 -- Snowfall 00:04:21 -- Faint Object Camera 00:03:14 -- Still Life with Compressed Air 00:02:25 -- Mutagenesis 00:03:05 -- Ineffable 00:02:29 --
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