Stream of Stars (Contemporaneous)


Mattingly, Dylan

  • Titel: Stream of Stars (Contemporaneous) / MATTINGLY, D.. Contemporaneous, Ensemble -- Mattingly, Dylan, Komponist
  • Person(en): Mattingly, Dylan ; Mattingly, Dylan [Komposition]
  • Organisation(en): Contemporaneous
  • Umfang: Online-Ressource
  • Erschienen: Innova, 2012
  • Anmerkungen: Atlas of Somewhere (On the Way to Howland Island): I. Radial Lift off Music for Amelia Earhart; II. Islanded in a Stream of Starts / Mattingly, Dylan 00:35:30 -- Six Night Sunrise (Music Barges and Metallic Stars) / Mattingly, Dylan 00:09:00 -- Lighthouse (Refugee Music by a Pacific Expatriate) / Mattingly, Dylan 00:11:43 --