Wrong Ocean / Blind Huber / Proteus (Facts about Water) (Jordan, Dudley, Struck-Marcell, Bloom)

- Titel: Wrong Ocean / Blind Huber / Proteus (Facts about Water) (Jordan, Dudley, Struck-Marcell, Bloom) / BARASH, G.. Anderson, Ron, Komponist -- Barash, Guy, Komponist -- Bloom, David -- Choi, Jennifer, Violine -- Coleman, Anthony, Keyboard -- Dharamraj, Yves, Violoncello -- Dudley, Eric -- Dufallo, Cornelius, Komponist -- Dukovski, Vasko, Klarinette -- Flynn, Nick, Autor -- Garapic, Amy, Marimba -- Golub, Rachel, Violine -- Hofstra, Dave, Kontrabass -- Jordan, Jamie, Sopran -- Lev, Nadav, Gitarre -- Linden, Daniel, Posaune -- Poison-Tete, Victor, Gesang -- Pride, Mike, Schlagzeug -- Struck-Marcell, Andrew, Gesang -- Supové, Kathleen, E-Klavier -- Zhurbin, Lev, Viola
- Person(en): Anderson, Ron [Komposition] ; Barash, Guy [Komposition] ; Dufallo, Cornelius [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Innova, 2014
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Wrong Ocean: I. Brack; II. Rush; III. High Water; IV. Torrent; V. Dissolve; ... / Barash, Guy 00:11:10 -- Blind Huber: No. 1. Blind Huber I; No. 2. Swarm; No. 3. Blind Huber (II); No. 4. Workers (Attendants); No. 5. Blind Huber (V); ... / Barash, Guy 00:10:06 -- The Captain Asks for a Show of Hands / Barash, Guy 00:08:53 -- Proteus / Barash, Guy 00:08:24 --
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