VINTAGE HOLLYWOOD CLASSICS, Vol. 9 - Sonny Boy / The Merry Widow / Gold Diggers of 37 / Broadway Melody of 1936 and 1938 (1928-1948)

- Titel: VINTAGE HOLLYWOOD CLASSICS, Vol. 9 - Sonny Boy / The Merry Widow / Gold Diggers of 37 / Broadway Melody of 1936 and 1938 (1928-1948). Armbruster, Robert -- Baker, Kenny, Gesang -- Banda da Lua e Garoto, Ensemble -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Brown, Lew, Komponist -- Brown, Nacio Herb, Komponist -- De Sylva, Buddy G., Dichter/Text -- Dietrich, Marlene, Gesang -- Dixon, Mort, Dichter/Text -- Dreyer, Dave, Komponist -- Dubin, Al, Dichter/Text -- Fields, Dorothy, Dichter/Text -- Freed, Arthur, Dichter/Text -- Friml, Rudolph, Komponist -- Garland, Judy, Gesang -- Harbach, Otto, Dichter/Text -- Henderson, Ray, Komponist -- Hollaender, Friedrich, Komponist -- Jararaca,, Komponist -- Jenkins, Gordon, Dichter/Text -- Jolson, Al, Komponist -- Jones, Allan, Gesang -- Langford, Frances, Gesang -- Lehmann, Lotte, Sopran -- Lehár, Franz, Komponist -- Leon, Victor, Dichter/Text -- MacDonald, Jeanette, Sopran -- McHugh, Jimmy, Komponist -- Mercer, Johnny, Dichter/Text -- Miranda, Carmen, Gesang -- Novarro, Ramon, Gesang -- Paiva,, Dichter/Text -- Powell, Dick, Gesang -- Powell, Eleanor, Gesang -- Rose, Billy, Dichter/Text -- Sardinha, Anibal Augusto, Komponist -- Shilkret, Nathaniel, Komponist -- Sosnik, Harry, Komponist -- St. Luke's Chorus, Chor -- Stein, Leo, Dichter/Text -- Studio chorus, Chor -- Studio conductor, -- Studio orchestra, Orchester -- Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, Orchester -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Whiting, George, Dichter/Text -- Wrubel, Allie, Komponist -- Young, Victor, Komponist
- Person(en): Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Brown, Lew [Komposition] ; Brown, Nacio Herb [Komposition] ; Dreyer, Dave [Komposition] ; Friml, Rudolph [Komposition] ; Henderson, Ray [Komposition] ; Hollaender, Friedrich [Komposition] ; Jararaca, [Komposition] ; Jolson, Al [Komposition] ; Lehár, Franz [Komposition] ; McHugh, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Sardinha, Anibal Augusto [Komposition] ; Shilkret, Nathaniel [Komposition] ; Sosnik, Harry [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition] ; Wrubel, Allie [Komposition] ; Young, Victor [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Banda da Lua e Garoto ; St. Luke's Chorus ; Studio chorus ; Studio orchestra ; Tommy Dorsey Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Jube Pops, 2014
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Singing Fool: There's a rainbow round my shoulder; Sonny Boy 00:06:07 -- Die lustige Witwe: Vilja; I love you so 00:06:06 -- Auszüge aus A Night in Cairo, Call of the Flesh, The Pagan, Devil May Care und The Night Is Young 00:08:06 -- Every Night at Eight: I feel a song coming on; Then you've never been blue 00:06:15 -- The Firefly 00:03:21 -- Broadway Melody of 1936: I've got the feelin' you're foolin'; You are my lucky star 00:06:08 -- Gold Diggers of 1937: With plenty of money and you; Speaking of the weather 00:05:26 -- Broadway Melody of 1938 00:03:14 -- Varsity Show 00:02:52 -- Flirtation Walk 00:03:03 -- The Harvey Girls: Swing your partner round and round; Wait and see 00:06:09 -- Down Argentine Way 00:02:39 -- A Foreign Affair: Black Market; Illusions 00:06:33 -- Big City: The Kerry Dance; God Bless America 00:06:29 --
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