Duo Intermezzo - MORES, M. / JOBIM, A.C. / CERVANTES, I. / PIAZZOLLA, A. (Invitación)

- Titel: Duo Intermezzo - MORES, M. / JOBIM, A.C. / CERVANTES, I. / PIAZZOLLA, A. (Invitación) / Bandoneon and Piano Recital. Cervantes, Ignacio, Komponist -- Duo Intermezzo, Ensemble -- Jobim, Antônio Carlos, Komponist -- Lecuona, Ernesta, Komponist -- Mariano, Cesar Camargo, Komponist -- Pascoal, Hermeto, Komponist -- Piazzolla, Astor, Komponist -- Ponce, Manuel María, Komponist -- Villa-Lobos, Heitor, Komponist
- Person(en): Cervantes, Ignacio [Komposition] ; Jobim, Antônio Carlos [Komposition] ; Lecuona, Ernesta [Komposition] ; Mariano, Cesar Camargo [Komposition] ; Pascoal, Hermeto [Komposition] ; Piazzolla, Astor [Komposition] ; Ponce, Manuel María [Komposition] ; Villa-Lobos, Heitor [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Duo Intermezzo
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Klarthe Records, 2017
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Cristal (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:03:31 -- Insensatez (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:05:17 -- Bebê (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:04:45 -- Bachianas brasileiras No. 5 (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:06:47 -- Siempre sí (Yes Forever) (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:00:53 -- Los tres golpes (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:00:39 -- Invitación (Invitation) (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:00:59 -- La encantadora (The Enchantress) (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:00:55 -- La Comparsa (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:05:32 -- A pesar de todo (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:04:31 -- Callao y Santa Fe (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:04:26 -- A la memoria de Astor (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:03:46 -- Danza para la mano izquierda sola (Dance for the Left Hand), "Malgre Tout" (In Spite of Everything) (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:02:00 -- Histoire du Tango (History of the Tango): II. Café 1930 (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:08:36 -- Biyuya (arr. S. Authemayou and M. Gars for bandoneon and piano) 00:06:42 --
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