Constellations / Visions in the Haze / Agonies and Ecstasies (Raver, Goldstein, R. Brown)


  • Titel: Constellations / Visions in the Haze / Agonies and Ecstasies (Raver, Goldstein, R. Brown) / LOCKLAIR, D.. Brown, Richard, Komponist -- Goldstein, Louis, Klavier -- Locklair, Dan, Komponist -- Raver, Leonard, Orgel
  • Person(en): Brown, Richard [Komposition] ; Locklair, Dan [Komposition]
  • Umfang: Online-Ressource
  • Erschienen: Orion, 2024
  • Anmerkungen: Constellations: I. Caput serpentis (The Serpent Head); II. Cygnus (The Swan); III. Pegasus (The Winged Horse); IV. Cauda serpentis (The Serpent Tail) / Locklair, Dan 00:12:17 -- Visions in the Haze / Locklair, Dan 00:13:13 -- Inventionen / Locklair, Dan 00:04:30 --