American Salute

- Titel: American Salute / UNITED STATES AIR FORCE HERITAGE OF AMERICA BAND. Anklam, Jo Ellen, Erzähler -- Bagley, Edwin Eugene, Komponist -- Buck, Dudley, Komponist -- Forte, Aldo, Komponist -- Giroux, Julie, Komponist -- Gould, Morton, Komponist -- Kay, Hershy, Komponist -- Klohr, John, Komponist -- Knox, Thomas, Komponist -- Lockamy, Jay, Erzähler -- Panella, Louis, Komponist -- Parker, Charles Wesley, Komponist -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Sousa, John Philip, Komponist -- United States Air Force Heritage of America Band, Ensemble
- Person(en): Bagley, Edwin Eugene [Komposition] ; Buck, Dudley [Komposition] ; Forte, Aldo [Komposition] ; Giroux, Julie [Komposition] ; Gould, Morton [Komposition] ; Kay, Hershy [Komposition] ; Klohr, John [Komposition] ; Knox, Thomas [Komposition] ; Panella, Louis [Komposition] ; Parker, Charles Wesley [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Sousa, John Philip [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): United States Air Force Heritage of America Band
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Klavier, 2012
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Festival Ouvertüre über die Amerikanische Nationalhymne (bearb. von T. Watts und V. Osborne) 00:06:48 -- National Emblem 00:03:02 -- Amerikanische Red Cross 00:02:20 -- American Legion March 00:02:21 -- Fort McHenry Suite: III. Freemen Shall Stand; II. Dimly Seen Through the Mists of the Deep; I. The Rockets Red Glare 00:11:22 -- American Salute 00:04:22 -- The Gallant Seventh 00:03:16 -- Victory at Sea: Guadalcanal March (bearb. von R. R. Russell) 00:02:30 -- Marschmedley (bearb. von R. Hayman) 00:06:43 -- American Pageant 00:07:13 -- The Billboard 00:02:33 -- The Stars and Stripes Ballett (nach J. P. Sousa) (bearb. von A. Forte): V. Campaign; IV. Campaign 00:10:43 -- The Stars and Stripes Forever 00:03:26 --
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