Legend of Toil and Celebration - Songs of Solidarity, Social Awareness, and Yiddish Americana

- Titel: Legend of Toil and Celebration - Songs of Solidarity, Social Awareness, and Yiddish Americana / Milken Archive Digital Volume 12, Album 2. Bigeleisen, Ira, Komponist -- Bogin, Abba, Klavier -- Coro Hebraeico, Chor -- Edelshtat, David, Dichter/Text -- Frieder, Raphael, Bariton -- Goichberg, Yisroel, Dichter/Text -- Goldman, Maurice, Komponist -- Goldstein, Amy, Sopran -- Gozinsky, Samuel, Komponist -- Hirshbeyn, Peretz, Dichter/Text -- Instrumental Ensemble, Ensemble -- Levin, Neil -- Levit, Yekhezkel, Dichter/Text -- Los Angeles Zimriyah Chorale, Chor -- Medvedieff, Jacob, Komponist -- Miller, Benzion, Tenor -- Nagy, Martha, Sopran -- Peretz, Yitskhok-Leybush, Dichter/Text -- Raskin, Philip, Dichter/Text -- Rauch, Maurice, Komponist -- Southern California Choral Society, Chor -- Spiro, Simon, Tenor -- Strimple, Nick -- Weiner, Lazar, Komponist -- Weisser, Joshua Samuel, Komponist -- Young Musicians Foundation Debut Orchestra, Orchester
- Person(en): Bigeleisen, Ira [Komposition] ; Goldman, Maurice [Komposition] ; Gozinsky, Samuel [Komposition] ; Medvedieff, Jacob [Komposition] ; Rauch, Maurice [Komposition] ; Weiner, Lazar [Komposition] ; Weisser, Joshua Samuel [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Coro Hebraeico ; Instrumental Ensemble ; Los Angeles Zimriyah Chorale ; Southern California Choral Society ; Young Musicians Foundation Debut Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Milken Archive Digital, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Oyb nit nokh hekher 00:16:50 -- A mol in a tsayt (Legende von der Pest): Part II; Part III 00:12:57 -- In dem land fun piramidn 00:01:51 -- Viglid 00:02:47 -- Der ner tomid 00:03:29 -- Yismah moshe 00:01:39 -- I Love You O America 00:01:50 -- A malakh veynt 00:02:10 -- Rosh hashana lilanot 00:09:40 -- Strange Happenings 00:06:24 --
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