Choral Music - MONTEVERDI, C. / SCHEIDT, S. / LOTTI, A. / FAURÉ, G. (Choral Favourites from Cambridge) (King's College Choir, Cambridge, Cleobury)

- Titel: Choral Music - MONTEVERDI, C. / SCHEIDT, S. / LOTTI, A. / FAURÉ, G. (Choral Favourites from Cambridge) (King's College Choir, Cambridge, Cleobury). Alban, Thomas, Sopran -- Aquinas, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Berkeley, Lennox, Komponist -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Browne, Michael Dennis, Dichter/Text -- Cleobury, Stephen -- Fauré, Gabriel, Komponist -- Franck, César, Komponist -- Gjeilo, Ola, Komponist -- Goss, John, Komponist -- Gowers, Richard, Orgel -- Hall, Joseph, Sopran -- Hill, George, Sopran -- King's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Lauridsen, Morten, Komponist -- Lotti, Antonio, Komponist -- Martin, Frank, Komponist -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- McCann, Dónal, Orgel -- McDevitt, Marcus, Sopran -- Micklethwaite, James, Tenor -- Monteverdi, Claudio, Komponist -- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Komponist -- Newton, John, Komponist -- Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, Komponist -- Parry, Hubert, Komponist -- Paulus, Stephen, Komponist -- Rutter, John -- Scheidt, Samuel, Komponist -- Vaughan, Henry, Dichter/Text -- Websdale, Henry, Orgel
- Person(en): Berkeley, Lennox [Komposition] ; Fauré, Gabriel [Komposition] ; Franck, César [Komposition] ; Gjeilo, Ola [Komposition] ; Goss, John [Komposition] ; Lauridsen, Morten [Komposition] ; Lotti, Antonio [Komposition] ; Martin, Frank [Komposition] ; Monteverdi, Claudio [Komposition] ; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Komposition] ; Newton, John [Komposition] ; Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da [Komposition] ; Parry, Hubert [Komposition] ; Paulus, Stephen [Komposition] ; Scheidt, Samuel [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): King's College Choir, Cambridge
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Choir of King's College, Cambridge, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Cantate Domino canticum novum SV 293 00:02:09 -- Puer natus in Bethlehem 00:02:48 -- Magnificate Buch 3 00:05:31 -- Crucifixus a 8 00:03:10 -- Requiem op. 48 00:03:17 -- Ave verum corpus, K. 618 (arr. for choir and organ) 00:02:44 -- Messe a 3 voix (Messe in 3 Stimmen) op. 12 M. 61: Panis angelicus (bearb. von J. Rutter für Chor und Orgel) 00:03:35 -- Songs of Farewell (Text by: H. Vaughan) 00:03:50 -- Psalm 23 "The Lord is my shepherd" 00:02:34 -- Psalm 130 "Out of the deep" 00:02:49 -- Psalm 121 "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills" 00:02:33 -- The Lord is my shepherd op. 91 Nr. 1 00:04:44 -- Ubi Caritas 00:03:02 -- Messe für doppelten Chor 00:04:06 -- O Magnum Mysterium 00:05:59 -- The Road Home 00:03:27 -- Amazing Grace (arr. S. Cleobury for choir and organ) 00:02:57 -- Jasmine Flower Song (arr. S. Cleobury for choir and organ) 00:03:41 -- Shenandoah (arr. J. Erb for choir) 00:03:29 --
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