Musical Reflections of the Holocaust

- Titel: Musical Reflections of the Holocaust / Milken Archive Digital Volume 19, Album 2 - Out of the Whirlwind. Barcelona Symphony and Catalonia National Orchestra, Orchester -- Bikel, Theodore, Gesang -- Black, Robert, Kontrabass -- Blumenthal-Weiss, Ilse, Dichter/Text -- Celan, Paul, Dichter/Text -- Fefer, Itzik, Dichter/Text -- Helfman, Max, Komponist -- Kantorowicz, Gertrud, Dichter/Text -- Kernis, Aaron Jay, Komponist -- Los Angeles Zimriyah Chorale, Chor -- Martinez, Ana Maria, Sopran -- Milarsky, Jeffrey -- Neugroschel, Joachim, Dichter/Text -- Osborne, Robert, Bassbariton -- Rickenbacher, Karl Anton -- Southern California Choral Society, Chor -- Stern, Robert, Komponist -- Strimple, Nick -- Young Musicians Foundation Debut Orchestra, Orchester
- Person(en): Helfman, Max [Komposition] ; Kernis, Aaron Jay [Komposition] ; Stern, Robert [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Barcelona Symphony and Catalonia National Orchestra ; Los Angeles Zimriyah Chorale ; Southern California Choral Society ; Young Musicians Foundation Debut Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Milken Archive Digital, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Voices from Terezín: No. 1. Daughter of the Day; Interlude; No. 2. To Take to the Roads 00:09:37 -- Death Fugue 00:12:07 -- Di Naye Hagode: Narration; Ma nishtano; Gebentsht (Blessed); Riboyne-sheloylem (Master of the Universe); Narration; ... 00:42:08 --
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