Mignaco, Valeria / Marin, Alfonso - DOWLAND, J. / CAVENDISH, M. / HOLBORNE, A. / CAMPION, T. / ROSSETER, P. (Clear or Cloudy)

- Titel: Mignaco, Valeria / Marin, Alfonso - DOWLAND, J. / CAVENDISH, M. / HOLBORNE, A. / CAMPION, T. / ROSSETER, P. (Clear or Cloudy) / Vocal and Lute Recital. Campion, Thomas, Komponist -- Cavendish, Michael, Komponist -- Dowland, John, Komponist -- Ford, Thomas, Komponist -- Holborne, Antony, Komponist -- Johnson, Robert, Komponist -- Jonson, Ben, Dichter/Text -- Marin, Alfonso, Laute -- Mignaco, Valeria, Sopran -- Pilkington, Francis, Komponist -- Rosseter, Philip, Komponist
- Person(en): Campion, Thomas [Komposition] ; Cavendish, Michael [Komposition] ; Dowland, John [Komposition] ; Ford, Thomas [Komposition] ; Holborne, Antony [Komposition] ; Johnson, Robert [Komposition] ; Pilkington, Francis [Komposition] ; Rosseter, Philip [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Musica Ficta, 2009
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Liederbuch, Buch 4 "A Pilgrimes Solace": Stay, Time, awhile thy flying 00:02:32 -- Liederbuch, Buch 3: Say, Love, if ever thou didst find 00:02:12 -- Liederbuch, Buch 2: Flow, my tears, fall from your springs 00:04:48 -- Liederbuch, Buch 1 00:05:01 -- Wand'ring in this Place 00:03:04 -- Mrs. Winter's Jump P 55 00:00:49 -- Liederbuch, Buch 1: Can she excuse my wrongs 00:02:45 -- When Laura smiles 00:02:17 -- Liederbuch, Buch 2: Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears 00:03:34 -- Mr. Dowland's Midnight P 99 00:01:05 -- Liederbuch, Buch 1: Come away, come sweet love 00:02:36 -- Liederbuch, Buch 2: I saw my lady weep 00:05:45 -- Liederbuch, Buch 1: Wilt thou unkind thus reave me of my heart 00:04:03 -- No grave for woe 00:03:33 -- Cradle Pavan 00:05:07 -- Galliard Nr. 3 "Fairy Round" 00:01:32 -- Liederbuch, Buch 2: Clear or cloudy sweet as April showering 00:02:56 -- Musicke of Sundrie Kindes 00:02:01 -- Bookes of Ayres Buch 4 00:01:08 -- Bookes of Ayres Buch 3 00:02:19 -- Präludium, P 98 00:01:10 -- Rest Sweet Nimphs (Rest Sweet Nymphs) 00:04:40 -- Have you seen the bright lily grow? 00:02:12 --
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