Threnody for Carlos Chavez / Simfony No. 13 / Music for Violin with Various Instruments / Fugue / Song of Quetzalcoatl / Canticle No. 3


  • Titel: Threnody for Carlos Chavez / Simfony No. 13 / Music for Violin with Various Instruments / Fugue / Song of Quetzalcoatl / Canticle No. 3 / HARRISON, L.. Abel, David -- Cass, Jennifer, Mbira -- Evans, Scott, Schlagzeug -- Gamelan Sekar Kembar, Ensemble -- Miller, Leta, Flöte -- Smith, Gordon, Erzähler -- Steinberg, Julie, Klavier -- Strizich, Robert, Gitarre -- Walther, Geraldine, Viola -- William Winant Percussion Group, Ensemble -- Winant, William, Schlagwerk
  • Organisation(en): Gamelan Sekar Kembar ; William Winant Percussion Group
  • Umfang: Online-Ressource
  • Erschienen: New Albion Records, 2003
  • Anmerkungen: Klage für Carlos Chavez 00:08:04 -- Sinfonie Nr. 13 00:08:53 -- Musik für Violine mit Various Instrumente: I. Allegro, vigoroso; II. Largo; III. Allegro 00:11:09 -- Fuge 00:03:55 -- Song of Quetzalcoatl 00:06:32 -- Kantikel Nr. 3 00:14:36 -- Solo für Anthony Cirone 00:02:43 --