Creation of the World, Suites Nos. 1 and 3 / The Master and Margarita / Farewell to … (The Master and Margarita)

- Titel: Creation of the World, Suites Nos. 1 and 3 / The Master and Margarita / Farewell to … (The Master and Margarita) / PETROV, A.P.. Akhmadulina, Bella, Dichter/Text -- Dmitriev, Alexander -- Lyudko, Maria, Sopran -- Petrov, Andrey Pavlovich, Komponist -- Serov, Edward -- St. Petersburg Chamber Orchestra, "Canon", Orchester -- St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- St. Petersburg State Academic Capella Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Tchernushenko, Alexander -- Temirkanov, Yuri
- Person(en): Petrov, Andrey Pavlovich ; Petrov, Andrey Pavlovich [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): St. Petersburg Chamber Orchestra, "Canon" ; St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra ; St. Petersburg State Academic Capella Symphony Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Northern Flowers, 2010
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Sotvoreniye mira (Die Erschaffung der Welt): Suite Nr. 1: I. Angels' Round Dance; II. The Creation of the World / Petrov, Andrey Pavlovich 00:10:20 -- Sotvoreniye mira (Die Erschaffung der Welt): Suite Nr. 3: I. The Creation of Adam; II. He-and She-Devols; III. The Merry Chase; IV. Ave, Eva / Petrov, Andrey Pavlovich 00:14:57 -- Master i Margarita: po prochtenii Bulgakova (Der Meister und Margarita: Bulgakov lesen) / Petrov, Andrey Pavlovich 00:23:52 -- Zhestokiy romans (Eine grausame Romanze) / Petrov, Andrey Pavlovich 00:22:29 --
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