Fred and Ginger / SET / Willie Stock / Love's Eternity (Ballamy, Rudge, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Rundell, Manze)

- Titel: Fred and Ginger / SET / Willie Stock / Love's Eternity (Ballamy, Rudge, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Rundell, Manze) / CARPENTER, G.. Ballamy, Iain, Saxophon -- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, Dichter/Text -- Carpenter, Gary, Komponist -- Hastings, Sophie, Schlagzeug -- Manze, Andrew, Violine -- Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Rudge, Kathryn, Mezzosopran -- Rundell, Clark
- Person(en): Carpenter, Gary ; Carpenter, Gary [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Nimbus Alliance, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Fred and Ginger / Carpenter, Gary 00:04:24 -- SET, "Concerto for Tenor Saxophone and Orchestra": IV. Love and Kisses; V. Blue Fox; III. Footso; II. You're Never Alone; I. No Hiding Place; ... / Carpenter, Gary 00:22:56 -- Willie Stock / Carpenter, Gary 00:11:12 -- Love's Eternity: No. 4. Transfiguration; No. 5. Reunion; No. 3. Death; No. 2. Grief; No. 1. Love; ... / Carpenter, Gary 00:12:07 -- Dadaville / Carpenter, Gary 00:07:10 --
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