Below the Belt (M. Maxwell, London Sinfonietta, R. Baker)

- Titel: Below the Belt (M. Maxwell, London Sinfonietta, R. Baker) / VENABLES, P.. Baker, Richard, Erzähler -- Baker, Simon, Posaune -- Bicknell, Katie, Flöte -- Blackburn, Nick, Erzähler -- Boorer, Lee, Posaune -- Bretherton, Lewis, Gesang -- Chambers, George, Gesang -- Dugandzic, Dario, Bariton -- Fowler, S.J., Dichter/Text -- Howard, Simon, Dichter/Text -- Hoyle, David, Dichter/Text -- Jaguers, Olivia, Harfe -- Lee, Graham, Posaune -- Ligeti String Quartet, Ensemble -- London Sinfonietta, members, Ensemble -- Lowe, Oliver, Schlagwerk -- Maxwell, Melinda, Oboe -- McCabe, Ciaran, Violine -- Melrose, Leigh, Bariton -- Mercer, Ashley, Bassbariton -- Phoenix Piano Trio, Ensemble -- Raybould, Natalie, Sopran -- Sarkissjan, Ashot, Violine -- Venables, Philip, Komponist -- Watson, Ian, Orgel -- West, Matthew, Schlagwerk -- Widden, James, Violine
- Person(en): Venables, Philip ; Venables, Philip [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Ligeti String Quartet ; London Sinfonietta, members ; Phoenix Piano Trio
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: NMC Recordings, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Revenge of Miguel Cotto: I. Love; II. Fight; III. Crushed Spanish; IV. They are not like us; V. Ban; ... / Venables, Philip 00:13:46 -- Metamorphoses after Britten / Venables, Philip 00:02:54 -- Klavertrio im Geiste: I. [Tacet] - II. Adagio; III. Scherzo; IV. Rondo / Venables, Philip 00:11:35 -- Metamorphoses after Britten / Venables, Philip 00:01:33 -- Numbers 76-80: Tristan und Isolde: I. —; II. —; III. — / Venables, Philip 00:14:26 -- Metamorphoses after Britten / Venables, Philip 00:03:14 -- Numbers 91-95 / Venables, Philip 00:09:11 -- Metamorphoses after Britten / Venables, Philip 00:01:47 -- Illusions / Venables, Philip 00:14:03 --
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