
- Titel: PARMA MUSIC FESTIVAL (LIVE 2013). Baker, Robert A., Komponist -- Cervetti, Sergio, Komponist -- DeLoi, Anna, Harfe -- Dimitrescu, Constantin, Dichter/Text -- Ginastera, Alberto, Komponist -- Lin, Mei-Fang, Komponist -- Lin, Mei-Fang, Komponist -- Lunoe, Mike, Gyil -- Marinescu, Ovidiu, Violoncello -- Moles, Elisa, Flöte -- Muller, Matthias, Klarinette -- O'Dell, Adam, Komponist -- Page, John -- Parma Orchestra, Orchester -- Portsmouth Music and Arts Center Jazz Faculty, Ensemble -- Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Rhinehart, Jim, Komponist -- Ritchey, Mac, Komponist -- Rudman, Jessica, Komponist -- Schlumpf, Martin, Computer -- Souza, Luciana, Mezzosopran -- Taylor, David, Posaune -- Volness, Kirsten, Komponist
- Person(en): Baker, Robert A. [Komposition] ; Cervetti, Sergio [Komposition] ; Ginastera, Alberto [Komposition] ; Lin, Mei-Fang [Komposition] ; O'Dell, Adam [Komposition] ; Rhinehart, Jim [Komposition] ; Ritchey, Mac [Komposition] ; Rudman, Jessica [Komposition] ; Volness, Kirsten [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Parma Orchestra ; Portsmouth Music and Arts Center Jazz Faculty ; Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Navona, 2013
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Konzert für Harfe op. 25 00:08:32 -- Dans Taranesc (Bauerntanz) 00:02:53 -- No Wonder 00:05:21 -- Mistress of the Labyrinth 00:08:13 -- After Dusk 00:03:58 -- St. Teresa in Ecstasy 00:04:01 -- Streams 00:22:25 -- Improvisation 00:12:30 -- Nocturne 00:11:59 -- Time Bending 00:05:45 -- Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays? 00:06:30 -- Wind Devil 00:05:42 --
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