Pan-fare / Inquieto / The Trill Is Gone (When You Are Reminded by the Instruments) (Macomber, Steinberg, Vronský, Blachly)

- Titel: Pan-fare / Inquieto / The Trill Is Gone (When You Are Reminded by the Instruments) (Macomber, Steinberg, Vronský, Blachly) / BIGGS, H.. Arendsen, Ben -- Ben-Meir, Maya, Mezzosopran -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Biggs, Hayes, Komponist -- Blachly, James -- Britt, Colin, Tenor -- Brown, Timothy -- C4, Chor -- D'amico, Anthony, Kontrabass -- England, Elizabeth, Oboe -- Florilegium Chamber Choir, Chor -- Glazier-Nazro, Desiree, Basstrommel -- Hilse, Walter, Orgel -- Hotarek, Kathryn, Sopran -- Kay, Christina, Sopran -- Lin, Ming-Hui, Violoncello -- Macomber, Curtis, Violine -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- McGonagil, Ruthie, Mezzosopran -- Moe, Eric, Komponist -- Moore, Rane, Klarinette -- Moravian Philharmonic Chamber Players, Ensemble -- Okrusko, Julia, Violine -- Oldfather, Christopher, Klavier -- Rice, JoAnne -- Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, members, Ensemble -- Steinberg, Andrew R., Tenor-Saxophon -- Suben, Joel Eric -- Sulski, Peter, Viola -- Vronský, Petr
- Person(en): Biggs, Hayes [Komposition] ; Moe, Eric [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): C4 ; Florilegium Chamber Choir ; Moravian Philharmonic Chamber Players ; Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, members
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Navona, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Pan-fare / Biggs, Hayes 00:03:06 -- When You Are Reminded by the Instruments / Biggs, Hayes 00:09:47 -- Inquieto (Attraverso il rumore) / Biggs, Hayes 00:14:44 -- The Trill Is Gone / Biggs, Hayes 00:04:17 -- Fanfare for Brass and Percussion / Biggs, Hayes 00:02:08 -- E. M. am Flügel / Biggs, Hayes 00:06:07 -- Wedding Motet: Tota pulchra es / Set me as a seal upon thine heart / Biggs, Hayes 00:06:47 -- Ochila laEil / Biggs, Hayes 00:13:55 --
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