Kassandra [Opera] (Shumate, Besch, Berti, Stanley, Smerud, Isomura)

- Titel: Kassandra [Opera] (Shumate, Besch, Berti, Stanley, Smerud, Isomura) / BRANDT, A.. Beber, Neena, Dichter/Text -- Berti, Megan, Mezzosopran -- Besch, Christopher, Bassbariton -- Brandt, Anthony, Komponist -- Frey, Thomas, Flöte -- Garde, Alexander, Schlagwerk -- Geissler, Max, Dichter/Text -- Isomura, Eiki -- Kirk, Julia, Viola -- Park, Roy, Klarinette -- Schafer, Jacob, Violine -- Shumate, Penelope, Sopran -- Smerud, Aidan, Bassbariton -- Stanley, Albert, Tenor -- Yang, Ting-ting, Klavier -- Yeh, William, Flöte
- Person(en): Brandt, Anthony ; Brandt, Anthony [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Navona, 2022
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Kassandra: Scene 1: A Ted-style Talk (Kassandra, Apollo); Scene 2: A Conference Room at Apollo Industries (Ty, Al, Artie, Kassandra, Apollo); Scene 3: The HR Department at Apollo Industries (HR, Kassandra); Scene 4: Various Offices and Conference Rooms (Recruiter, Kassandra, Apollo, Boss, Ty, Al, Artie, Chorus); Scene 5: By the Sea (Kassandra, Chorus, Artie, Ty); ... / Brandt, Anthony 00:47:07 --
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