Perela, uomo di fumo [Opera] (Altinoglu)

- Titel: Perela, uomo di fumo [Opera] (Altinoglu) / DUSAPIN, P.. Altinoglu, Alain -- Bordry, Elina, Gesang -- Courjal, Nicolas, Bass -- Doesum, Niels van, Bass -- Dusapin, Pascal, Komponist -- Gardeil, Claire, Gesang -- Graham Hall, John, Tenor -- Gubisch, Nora, Mezzosopran -- Gundlach, Daniel, Gesang -- Hubert, Gilles, Gesang -- Mahe, Martine, Mezzosopran -- Martin, Herve, Gesang -- Opera National de Montpellier Chorus, Chor -- Orchestre National de Montpellier, Orchester -- Palazzeschi, Aldo, Dichter/Text -- Perraud, Chantal, Sopran -- Philippe, Isabelle, Sopran -- Rohlig, Friedemann, Bass -- Serou, Laurent, Gesang -- Tichina, Olga, Gesang -- Wilde, Scott, Bass -- Yanetti, Gilles, Gesang
- Person(en): Dusapin, Pascal ; Dusapin, Pascal [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Opera National de Montpellier Chorus ; Orchestre National de Montpellier
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Naive, 2005
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Perela, uomo di fumo: Act I Scene 1: Chorus: Pena! Rete! Lama! Pena! Rete! Lama! (Perela, Poor Old Woman); Act I Scene 2: Chorus: Pena! Rete! Lama! Pena! Rete! Lama! (Perela, 2 Guards of the King); Act I Scene 3: Entrate, entrate signore! (The Valet, Master of Ceremonies, Perela); Act I Scene 4: Dove io restai fino a stamane non era gia (Perela, Choir, Valet, Master of Ceremonies); Act I Scene 5: Chorus: Piano piano, due alla volta (Perela, Banker Rodella, Archibishop); ... / Dusapin, Pascal 02:01:21 --
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