The Music of Srul Irving Glick


Glick, Srul Irving

  • Titel: The Music of Srul Irving Glick / GLICK. Campbell, James, Dichter/Text -- Dawes, Andrew, Violine -- Domb, Daniel, Violoncello -- Glick, Srul Irving, Komponist -- Law, Brian -- Shulman, Suzanne, Flöte -- Thirteen Strings Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Trubashnik, Senia, Oboe -- Tryon, Valerie, Klavier
  • Person(en): Glick, Srul Irving ; Glick, Srul Irving [Komposition]
  • Organisation(en): Thirteen Strings Chamber Orchestra
  • Umfang: Online-Ressource
  • Erschienen: CBC, 2024
  • Anmerkungen: Hebräische Suite Nr. 1: I. Cantorial Chant; VI. Circle Dance / Ronde; V. Dialogue; IV. Lullaby / Berceuse; III. Hora; ... / Glick, Srul Irving 00:10:52 -- Sonate für Oboe: I. Fast, with emotional intensity; II. Expressivo con vibrato; III. Fast, but rhythmic and well accented / Glick, Srul Irving 00:17:05 -- Hebräische Suite Nr. 5: I. Circle Dance; II. Prayer and Chassidic Dance; III. Wedding Dance / Glick, Srul Irving 00:15:11 -- Divertimento für Streichorchester: I. Gracefully; II. Cantabile expressivo con rubato; III. Fast and Bright, with Good Humour / Glick, Srul Irving 00:18:52 --