Arcadians (The) (Thompson)
- Titel: Arcadians (The) (Thompson) / MONCKTON, L.. Bowers, Jessica, Mezzosopran -- Callahan, Marc, Bariton -- Champ, Christi, Sopran -- Cooke, Brendan, Gesang -- Curtis, Betha, Mezzosopran -- Dow, John, Bariton -- Generalovich, Tara, Mezzosopran -- Hujabre, Buck, Gesang -- McKee, Anne, Sopran -- Millar, Chad, Bass -- Miller, John-Arthur, Bassbariton -- Monckton, Lionel, Komponist -- Neer, Daniel, Tenor -- Odom, Aaron, Tenor -- Ohio Light Opera Chorus, Chor -- Ohio Light Opera Orchestra, Orchester -- Padgett, Jesse, Gesang -- Rieger, Eric, Tenor -- Schneller, Aric, Tenor -- Stevenson, Richard, Tenor -- Taylor, Caroline, Gesang -- Thompson, J. Lynn -- Warchol, Amy, Mezzosopran -- White, Jennifer, Sopran -- Wimperis, Arthur, Dichter/Text -- Woods, Suzanne, Sopran -- Wright, Julie, Sopran
- Person(en): Monckton, Lionel ; Monckton, Lionel [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Ohio Light Opera Chorus ; Ohio Light Opera Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Newport Classic, 1999
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Arcadians: Overture; Act I: Arcadians are we (Chorus); Act I: Dialogue: Now who's for the woods? (Strephon, Damoetas, Daphne, Sombra, Astrophel, Time); Act I: Air: Since the days before the flood (Time, All); Act I: Dialogue: Time never stands still (Time, Sombra, Chrysaea, Girls, Astrophel); ... / Monckton, Lionel 01:35:31 --
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