Harvard University Choir - CALLAHAN, C. / ORLOVICH, M. / ROIHL, D. (Lo, there is Light! - Choral Music for a Millennium)

- Titel: Harvard University Choir - CALLAHAN, C. / ORLOVICH, M. / ROIHL, D. (Lo, there is Light! - Choral Music for a Millennium) / Choral Concert. Ayer, John -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Callahan, Charles, Komponist -- Chinn, Wesley, Bariton -- Craw, Heather, Sopran -- Donne, John, Dichter/Text -- Dyson, George, Komponist -- Friedell, Harold, Komponist -- Gardiner, Henry Balfour, Komponist -- Gascoigne, George, Dichter/Text -- Granert, Nancy -- Górecki, Henryk Mikołaj, Komponist -- Hailstork, Adolphus, Komponist -- Hallock, Peter, Komponist -- Harris, William Henry, Komponist -- Harvard University Choir, Chor -- Heber, Reginald, Dichter/Text -- Hodgson, John C., Komponist -- Hurd, David, Komponist -- Lehmann, Nora, Alt -- Matthews, Thomas, Komponist -- Miller, Max, Komponist -- Orlovich, Matthew, Komponist -- Parsons, Jim, Bariton -- Patterson, A.B. Banjo, Dichter/Text -- Roihl, Daniel, Komponist -- Somerville, Murray Forbes -- Thomson, Virgil, Komponist -- Watts, Isaac, Dichter/Text -- Williams, Edith, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Callahan, Charles [Komposition] ; Dyson, George [Komposition] ; Friedell, Harold [Komposition] ; Gardiner, Henry Balfour [Komposition] ; Górecki, Henryk Mikołaj [Komposition] ; Hailstork, Adolphus [Komposition] ; Hallock, Peter [Komposition] ; Harris, William Henry [Komposition] ; Hodgson, John C. [Komposition] ; Hurd, David [Komposition] ; Matthews, Thomas [Komposition] ; Miller, Max [Komposition] ; Orlovich, Matthew [Komposition] ; Roihl, Daniel [Komposition] ; Thomson, Virgil [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Harvard University Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Pro Organo, 2020
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis - The Harvard Service 00:06:57 -- Lo, There is Light 00:03:51 -- Amen 2 00:00:57 -- The Lord Is My Light 00:02:45 -- 3 Songs of Praise 00:04:12 -- Choral Response 00:00:46 -- Save Us, O Lord 00:01:41 -- Shaker Hymn (arr. D. Roihl for voice and choir) 00:03:44 -- Ecce Sacerdos Magnus 00:02:11 -- Amen 4 00:01:17 -- The Song of Deborah 00:05:11 -- My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (arr. V. Thomson for choir) 00:04:54 -- Exalt Yourself Above the Heavens, O God 00:08:37 -- Jesus, so lowly 00:02:41 -- Bring us, O Lord God 00:04:03 -- Amen 3 00:01:32 -- Ecce Jam Noctis 00:02:26 -- Evening Hymn "Te lucis ante terminum" 00:06:09 -- Amen, Op. 35 00:05:00 --
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