St Davids Cathedral Choir - BEAMISH, S. / CORNELIUS, P. / DAVIES, H.W. / GAUNTLETT, H.J. (Once in Royal David's City)

- Titel: St Davids Cathedral Choir - BEAMISH, S. / CORNELIUS, P. / DAVIES, H.W. / GAUNTLETT, H.J. (Once in Royal David's City) / Choral Concert. Alexander, Cecil Frances, Dichter/Text -- Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Blunt, Bruce, Dichter/Text -- Brooks, Phillips, Dichter/Text -- Cornelius, Peter, Komponist -- Dubois, Théodore, Komponist -- Gauntlett, Henry John, Komponist -- Goldschmidt, Otto, Komponist -- Hawkes, Thomas, Orgel -- Jones, Meirion Wynn, Komponist -- Mendelssohn, Felix, Komponist -- Neale, John Mason, Dichter/Text -- Nicholas, William Rhys, Dichter/Text -- Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, Komponist -- Pearce, Simon, Orgel -- Rutter, John -- Shepherd, Katrina, Dichter/Text -- St Davids Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Thomas, Alan Llewelyn, Komponist -- Todd, Will, Komponist -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Warlock, Peter, Komponist -- Wesley, Charles, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Bach, Johann Sebastian [Komposition] ; Cornelius, Peter [Komposition] ; Dubois, Théodore [Komposition] ; Gauntlett, Henry John [Komposition] ; Goldschmidt, Otto [Komposition] ; Jones, Meirion Wynn [Komposition] ; Mendelssohn, Felix [Komposition] ; Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da [Komposition] ; Thomas, Alan Llewelyn [Komposition] ; Todd, Will [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Warlock, Peter [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): St Davids Cathedral Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Priory Records, 2023
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Matin Responsorium 00:03:16 -- A Tender Shoot 00:02:18 -- A Branch So Fair Has Blossomed 00:03:20 -- This is the Truth Sent from Above (arr. R. Vaughan Williams) 00:03:28 -- O come, O come, Emmanuel (arr. A. Carter for choir and organ) 00:04:27 -- Das Orgelbüchlein BWV 599-644 00:01:14 -- Once in Royal David's City (bearb. von A.H. Mann und D. Willcocks für Chor und Orgel) 00:05:20 -- On Christmas Night (Sussex Carol) (bearb. von D. Willcocks für Chor und Orgel) 00:02:10 -- Lully, Lulla 00:04:20 -- In the Stillness 00:02:33 -- Nativity carol 00:05:14 -- O little town of Bethlehem 00:05:35 -- Festgesang, MWV D4, "Gutenberg-Kantate": No. 2. (adap. W.H. Cummings as Hark! The Herald Angels Sing) (arr. D. Willcocks and G. Whitefield for choir and organ) 00:03:36 -- Das Orgelbüchlein BWV 599-644 00:03:14 -- The Three Kings (bearb. von I. Atkins für Sologesang und Chor) 00:02:36 -- Bethlehem Down 00:05:01 -- Draw Tua Bethlehem 00:05:46 -- My Lord Has Come 00:04:10 -- Fiat Lux (Es werde Licht) 00:05:40 --
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