Psalms of David (The), Vol. 3 (In Jewry Is God Known) - BARNBY, J. / HARRIS, W.H. / WALMISLEY, T.A. (Lichfield Cathedral Choir, Rees-Williams)

- Titel: Psalms of David (The), Vol. 3 (In Jewry Is God Known) - BARNBY, J. / HARRIS, W.H. / WALMISLEY, T.A. (Lichfield Cathedral Choir, Rees-Williams). Bairstow, Edward C., Komponist -- Barnby, Joseph, Komponist -- Bayley, William, Komponist -- Bexfield, William Richard, Komponist -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Crotch, William, Komponist -- Flintoft, Luke, Komponist -- Harris, William Henry, Komponist -- Hine, William, Komponist -- Kelway, Thomas, Komponist -- Lichfield Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Monk, Edwin George, Komponist -- Parratt, Walter, Komponist -- Rees-Williams, Jonathan -- Rodgers, John Leman, Komponist -- Shepherd, Mark, Orgel -- Walmisley, Thomas Attwood, Komponist -- Wesley, Samuel Sebastian, Komponist
- Person(en): Bairstow, Edward C. [Komposition] ; Barnby, Joseph [Komposition] ; Bayley, William [Komposition] ; Bexfield, William Richard [Komposition] ; Crotch, William [Komposition] ; Flintoft, Luke [Komposition] ; Harris, William Henry [Komposition] ; Hine, William [Komposition] ; Kelway, Thomas [Komposition] ; Monk, Edwin George [Komposition] ; Parratt, Walter [Komposition] ; Rodgers, John Leman [Komposition] ; Walmisley, Thomas Attwood [Komposition] ; Wesley, Samuel Sebastian [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Lichfield Cathedral Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Priory Records, 1991
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Psalm 58, "Are Your Minds Set upon Righteousness?" 00:03:18 -- Psalm 20, "The Lord Hear Thee in the Day of Trouble" 00:02:29 -- Psalm 107, "O Give Thanks Unto the Lord for He Is Gracious" 00:09:30 -- Psalm 122 "I was glad when they said unto me" 00:03:02 -- Psalm 129, "Many a Time Have They Fought Against Me" 00:02:09 -- Psalm 130, "Out of the Deep Have I Called unto Thee" 00:02:44 -- Psalm 57, "Be Merciful unto Me, O God" 00:03:30 -- Psalm 73, "Truly God Is Loving unto Israel" 00:06:27 -- Psalm 74, "O God, Wherefore Art Thou Absent from Us So Long" 00:06:26 -- Psalm 77, "I Will Cry unto God with My Voice" 00:05:23 -- Psalm 41, "Blessed Is He That Considereth the Poor and Needy" 00:03:50 -- Psalm 119, "I Call with My Whole Heart" 00:07:50 -- Psalm 11, "In the Lord Put I My Trust" 00:02:25 -- Psalm 139, "O Lord, Thou Has Searched Me Out and Known Me" 00:07:03 -- Psalm 76, "In Jewry Is God Known" 00:02:26 --
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