Norwich Cathedral Choir - ALLBRIGHT, T. / ARCHER, M. / BUCK, P. / CAMIDGE, M. (Let God Arise - The Psalms of David, Vol. 7)

- Titel: Norwich Cathedral Choir - ALLBRIGHT, T. / ARCHER, M. / BUCK, P. / CAMIDGE, M. (Let God Arise - The Psalms of David, Vol. 7) / Choral Concert. Allbright, Terence, Komponist -- Archer, Malcolm, Komponist -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Buck, P., Komponist -- Camidge, Matthew, Komponist -- Crow, Edwin John, Komponist -- Goss, John, Komponist -- Hurford, Peter, Orgel -- Lawes, Henry, Komponist -- Ley, Henry George, Komponist -- Mornington, Lord, Komponist -- Nicholas, Michael -- Norwich Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Parratt, Walter, Komponist -- Smart, Henry Thomas, Komponist -- Statham, Heathcote, Orgel -- Stewart, Charles Hylton, Komponist -- Taylor, Neil, Orgel -- Walker, Robert, Komponist
- Person(en): Allbright, Terence [Komposition] ; Archer, Malcolm [Komposition] ; Buck, P. [Komposition] ; Camidge, Matthew [Komposition] ; Crow, Edwin John [Komposition] ; Goss, John [Komposition] ; Lawes, Henry [Komposition] ; Ley, Henry George [Komposition] ; Mornington, Lord [Komposition] ; Parratt, Walter [Komposition] ; Smart, Henry Thomas [Komposition] ; Stewart, Charles Hylton [Komposition] ; Walker, Robert [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Norwich Cathedral Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Priory Records, 1992
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Psalm 68, "Let God Arise and Let His Enemies Be Scattered" 00:11:07 -- Psalm 79 00:05:23 -- Psalm 80, "Hear O Thou Shepherd of Israel" 00:05:53 -- Psalm 81, "Sing We Merrily unto God Our Strength" 00:05:05 -- Psalm 3, "Lord, How Are They Increased That Trouble Me" 00:02:54 -- Psalm 90, "Lord Thou Has Been Our Refuge" 00:05:44 -- Psalm 124, "If the Lord Himself Had Not Been on Our Side" 00:02:34 -- Psalm 2, "Why Do the Heathen So Furiously Rage Together" 00:03:32 -- Psalm 92, "It Is a Good Thing to Give Thanks unto the Lord" 00:04:43 -- Psalm 141, "Lord I Call upon Thee" 00:03:06 -- Psalm 86, "Bow Down Thine Ear O Lord and Hear Me" 00:05:28 -- Psalm 87, "Her Foundations Are upon the Holy Hills" 00:02:13 -- Psalm 88, "O Lord God of My Salvation" 00:06:38 -- Psalm 105, "O Give Thanks unto the Lord" 00:10:48 -- Psalm 120, "When I Was in Trouble" 00:02:29 -- Psalm 134, "Behold Now Praise the Lord" 00:01:38 --
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