Psalms of David (The), Vol. 6 (The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation) - ATTWOOD, T. / BUCK, P. / GOSS, J. (Guildford Cathedral Choir, Millington)

- Titel: Psalms of David (The), Vol. 6 (The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation) - ATTWOOD, T. / BUCK, P. / GOSS, J. (Guildford Cathedral Choir, Millington). Attwood, Thomas, Komponist -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Buck, Percy, Komponist -- Burrows-Watson, John, Komponist -- Camidge, Matthew, Komponist -- Cooke, Robert, Komponist -- Cooper, George, Komponist -- Coward, James, Komponist -- Garrett, George Mursell, Komponist -- Goss, John, Komponist -- Guildford Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Harris, William Henry, Komponist -- Hopkins, Edward John, Komponist -- Ley, Henry George, Komponist -- Morgan, Geoffrey, Orgel -- Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore, Komponist -- Read, F., Komponist -- Stewart, Charles Hylton, Komponist -- Stonex, Henry, Komponist -- Walmisley, Thomas Attwood, Komponist -- Watson, Sydney, Komponist
- Person(en): Attwood, Thomas [Komposition] ; Buck, Percy [Komposition] ; Burrows-Watson, John [Komposition] ; Camidge, Matthew [Komposition] ; Cooke, Robert [Komposition] ; Cooper, George [Komposition] ; Coward, James [Komposition] ; Garrett, George Mursell [Komposition] ; Goss, John [Komposition] ; Harris, William Henry [Komposition] ; Hopkins, Edward John [Komposition] ; Ley, Henry George [Komposition] ; Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore [Komposition] ; Read, F. [Komposition] ; Stewart, Charles Hylton [Komposition] ; Stonex, Henry [Komposition] ; Walmisley, Thomas Attwood [Komposition] ; Watson, Sydney [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Guildford Cathedral Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Priory Records, 1992
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Psalm 27, "The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation" 00:05:00 -- Psalm 28, "Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my strength" 00:03:28 -- Psalm 8, "O Lord Our Governor" 00:02:47 -- Psalm 33, "Rejoice in the Lord O Ye Righteous" 00:05:23 -- Psalm 34, "I Will Always Give Thanks unto the Lord" 00:05:24 -- Psalm 63, "O God Thou Art My God" 00:03:45 -- Psalm 48, "Great Is the Lord and Highly to Be Praised" 00:03:34 -- Psalm 49 "O Hear Ye This, All Ye People" 00:06:01 -- Psalm 59, "Deliver Me from Mine Enemies O God" 00:04:57 -- Psalm 82, "God Standeth in the Congregation of Princes" 00:02:28 -- Psalm 83, "Hold Not Thy Tongue, O God" 00:04:30 -- Psalm 85, "Lord Thou Art Become Gracious unto Thy Land" 00:03:44 -- Psalm 93, "The Lord Is King and Hath Put On Glorious Apparel" 00:01:50 -- Psalm 99, "The Lord Is King Be the People Never So Impatient" 00:02:52 -- Psalm 100 "O Be Joyful in the Lord" 00:01:44 -- Psalm 109, "Hold Not Thy Tongue O God of My Praise" 00:04:15 -- Psalm 127, "Except the Lord Build the House" 00:02:24 -- Psalm 116, "I Am Well Pleased" 00:04:43 -- Psalm 147, "O Praise the Lord for It Is a Good Thing" 00:04:52 --
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