RISE OF ENGLISH MUSIC (THE) (Hereford Cathedral Choir, King's College Choir Cambridge, Wells Cathedral Choir, Pro Cantione Antiqua, Ledger, Willcocks)

- Titel: RISE OF ENGLISH MUSIC (THE) (Hereford Cathedral Choir, King's College Choir Cambridge, Wells Cathedral Choir, Pro Cantione Antiqua, Ledger, Willcocks). Archer, Malcolm, Komponist -- Argent, Christopher, Orgel -- Beaumont, Francis, Dichter/Text -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Blaze, Robin, Countertenor -- Bowen, Geraint -- Brown, Mark -- Byrd, William, Komponist -- Campion, Thomas, Komponist -- Cave, Philip -- Cavendish, Michael, Komponist -- Children and Gentlemen of Her Majesty's Chapels Royal, The, Chor -- Crumpler, Alan -- Dowland, John, Komponist -- Dryden, John, Dichter/Text -- Elliot, Rachel, Sopran -- English Consort of Viols, Ensemble -- Fletcher, John, Dichter/Text -- Fletcher, Phineas, Dichter/Text -- Gibbons, Orlando, Komponist -- Gibbons, John, Klavier -- Gough, Rupert -- Green, Kate, Blockflöte -- Griffett, James, Tenor -- Halls, David -- Hampton Court Chapel Brass, Ensemble -- Hampton Court Chapel Royal Choir Boys, Chor -- Hereford Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Hunt, Donald -- Jesus College Chapel Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Johnson, Robert, Komponist -- Johnston, Raymond, Orgel -- King's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Lawes, William, Komponist -- Ledger, Philip, Klavier -- Lichfield Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Magnificat, Chor -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- McGegan, Nicholas, Flöte -- Morley, Thomas, Komponist -- Mundy, William, Komponist -- Netsingha, Andrew -- Nicholson, Richard, Komponist -- Philips, Peter, Komponist -- Player, Stephen, Laute -- Player, Steven, Gitarre -- Pope Innocent VI, Dichter/Text -- Popplewell, Richard -- Pro Cantione Antiqua, Chor -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Queens' College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Ravenscroft, Thomas, Komponist -- Rees-Williams, Jonathan -- Reynolds, Gordon -- Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Shakespeare, William, Dichter/Text -- Sirinu, Ensemble -- Spring, Matthew, Laute -- Stobart, Henry, Blockflöte -- Stowe, Sara, Sopran -- Swinson, David, Orgel -- Tallis, Thomas, Komponist -- Thomas, Rhiannon, Violoncello -- Trinity Baroque, Chor -- Watkins, Jane, Violoncello -- Weelkes, Thomas, Komponist -- Wells Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Wells Cathedral Vicars Choral, Chor -- Worcester Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Wright, Brian, Gitarre
- Person(en): Archer, Malcolm [Komposition] ; Byrd, William [Komposition] ; Campion, Thomas [Komposition] ; Cavendish, Michael [Komposition] ; Dowland, John [Komposition] ; Gibbons, Orlando [Komposition] ; Johnson, Robert [Komposition] ; Lawes, William [Komposition] ; Morley, Thomas [Komposition] ; Mundy, William [Komposition] ; Nicholson, Richard [Komposition] ; Philips, Peter [Komposition] ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition] ; Ravenscroft, Thomas [Komposition] ; Tallis, Thomas [Komposition] ; Weelkes, Thomas [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Children and Gentlemen of Her Majesty's Chapels Royal, The ; English Consort of Viols ; Hampton Court Chapel Brass ; Hampton Court Chapel Royal Choir Boys ; Hereford Cathedral Choir ; Jesus College Chapel Choir, Cambridge ; King's College Choir, Cambridge ; Lichfield Cathedral Choir ; Magnificat ; Pro Cantione Antiqua ; Queens' College Choir, Cambridge ; Salisbury Cathedral Choir ; Sirinu ; Trinity Baroque ; Wells Cathedral Choir ; Wells Cathedral Vicars Choral ; Worcester Cathedral Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Musical Concepts, 2017
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Sing joyfully unto God our strength 00:02:30 -- Fantasia for 2 Treble Viols (Musica Britannica Vol. 48, No. 4) 00:02:26 -- Come, gentle swains and shepherds' dainty daughters (after Croce's Hard by a Crystal Fountain) 00:01:41 -- Hosanna to the son of David 00:02:44 -- Messe für vier Stimmen: Kyrie; Gloria; Credo; Sanctus; Benedictus; ... 00:32:24 -- King Arthur, Z. 628, "The British Worthy" 00:01:54 -- Care-charming sleep 00:03:17 -- Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum (Cantiones sacrae) 00:05:20 -- Fortune my foe 00:02:17 -- Second Service: Magnificat; Nunc Dimittis 00:09:43 -- La volta (from The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book) 00:02:37 -- Fyre and Lightning from Heaven 00:04:10 -- O mistress mine 00:02:32 -- Messe für vier Stimmen 00:03:26 -- April is in my mistress' face 00:01:13 -- O Lord, in thy wrath 00:03:16 -- Tomorrow the Fox Will Come to Town 00:02:45 -- Ave verum corpus 00:04:25 -- Where the bee sucks 00:01:08 -- The Silver Swanne (arr. for chamber ensemble) 00:01:19 -- Veni creator Spiritus 00:02:43 -- Exalt thyself, O God 00:04:31 -- My bonny lasse shee smyleth 00:02:05 -- Book of Songs, Book 1 00:02:30 -- Agnus Dei 00:02:18 -- Psalmes, Sonets and Songs: Though Amaryllis dance in green 00:02:11 -- No More, Good Herdsman 00:01:04 -- Remember O Thou Man 00:02:15 -- Salve Regina 00:04:26 -- Fantasia a 5 in C Major 00:02:06 -- Laudate Dominum 00:04:21 -- The First Book of Ayres or Little Short Songs: It was a lover and his lasse 00:03:23 -- Prevent us, O Lord 00:03:05 -- It Fell on a Summer's Day 00:02:03 -- O clap your hands 00:05:04 -- Love, Love 00:00:37 -- Magnificat 00:04:04 -- In jejunio et fletu 00:04:16 -- Full fathom five 00:01:50 -- Wee be three poore Mariners 00:01:10 -- The Great Service: Magnificat; Nunc dimittis 00:14:00 -- Heart's Ease 00:02:42 -- Drop, drop slow tears 00:01:23 -- Harke, All Ye Lovely Saints Above 00:02:49 -- Second Service: Magnificat; Nunc dimittis 00:06:13 -- Othello 00:05:14 -- No, No, Fair Heretic 00:01:40 -- Salvator mundi 00:02:54 -- Book of Songs, Book 1: Come away, come sweet love 00:02:38 -- Psallite Domino 00:01:08 -- A lieta vita (Sing wee and chaunt it) 00:01:36 -- O That the Learned Poets 00:02:53 -- Say Love, if ever thou did’st find 00:01:59 -- O sacrum convivium 00:03:58 -- Almain and Ayre 00:03:55 -- Teach me, O Lord 00:03:43 -- Burial Service, Z. 27: March; Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts; Canzona 00:05:27 -- Spem in alium 00:13:58 -- Greensleeves 00:05:36 --
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