Christmas Choral Music - BRITTEN, B. / DISTLER, H. / HOLST, G. / RUTTER, J. (Silent Night at St. Thomas) (St. Thomas Church Choir New York, Hancock)

- Titel: Christmas Choral Music - BRITTEN, B. / DISTLER, H. / HOLST, G. / RUTTER, J. (Silent Night at St. Thomas) (St. Thomas Church Choir New York, Hancock). Bertalot, John, Komponist -- Britten, Benjamin, Komponist -- Geletzky, Johannes, Dichter/Text -- Gruber, Franz Xaver, Komponist -- Hancock, Gerre, Komponist -- Hancock, Judith, Orgel -- Holst, Gustav, Komponist -- Kirkpatrick, William J., Komponist -- Ledger, Philip, Klavier -- Mohr, Josef, Dichter/Text -- Rutter, John -- St. Thomas Church Choir, New York, Chor -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Wishart, Peter, Komponist
- Person(en): Bertalot, John [Komposition] ; Britten, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Gruber, Franz Xaver [Komposition] ; Hancock, Gerre [Komposition] ; Holst, Gustav [Komposition] ; Kirkpatrick, William J. [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Wishart, Peter [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): St. Thomas Church Choir, New York
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Priory Records, 2002
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Stille Nacht / Hancock, Gerre 00:04:01 -- Jesus Child (version for choir and organ) / Hancock, Gerre 00:03:33 -- Adam lay ybounden / Hancock, Gerre 00:02:29 -- A Hymn to the Virgin / Hancock, Gerre 00:03:28 -- Lullay my Liking op. 34 Nr. 2 / Hancock, Gerre 00:04:07 -- O Little Town of Bethlehem (bearb. von R. Vaughan Williams, Diskant: Thomas Armstrong) / Hancock, Gerre 00:03:27 -- Lord of the Dance (arr. J. Bertalot for choir and organ) / Hancock, Gerre 00:03:18 -- God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen (arr. D. Willcocks for choir and organ) / Hancock, Gerre 00:03:01 -- Alleluya / Hancock, Gerre 00:02:43 -- Geistliche Chormusik op. 12 Nr. 4 / Hancock, Gerre 00:08:33 -- Away in a Manger (bearb. von D. Willcocks für Chor) / Hancock, Gerre 00:02:19 -- Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (bearb. von G. Hancock) / Hancock, Gerre 00:02:45 -- O Come All Ye Faithful (arr. D. Willcocks for choir) / Hancock, Gerre 00:05:11 --
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