At the Reading of a Psalm, Op. 36, "Cantata No. 2"
- Titel: At the Reading of a Psalm, Op. 36, "Cantata No. 2" / TANEYEV. Baturkin, Andrei, Bariton -- Glinka Choral College Boys' Choir, Chor -- Gubsky, Mikhail, Tenor -- Khomyakov, Aleksey Stepanovich, Dichter/Text -- Pletnev, Mikhail, Klavier -- Russian National Orchestra, Orchester -- Semenina, Lolita, Sopran -- St. Petersburg State Academic Capella Choir, Chor -- Tarassova, Marianna, Mezzosopran
- Organisation(en): Glinka Choral College Boys' Choir ; Russian National Orchestra ; St. Petersburg State Academic Capella Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: PentaTone, 2004
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Po prochtenii psalma (Beim Lesen eines Psalms) op. 36: I. …Zemlya trepeshchet (…The earth is trembling) (Chorus); II. Izrail'! Ti mne stroish' khramy (Israel! You build temples for me) (Double Chorus); III. K chemu mne pyshnykh khramov svody (But I do not need splendid temple vaults) (Chorus) 00:17:40 -- Po prochtenii psalma (Beim Lesen eines Psalms) op. 36: IV. K chemu mne zlato? (I do not need gold) (Chorus); V. K chemu kurenya? (I need no incense) (Quartet); VI. K chemy ogni? (I do not need fires) (Quartet and Chorus) 00:23:14 -- Po prochtenii psalma (Beim Lesen eines Psalms) op. 36: VII. Interlude - Tvoy skuden dar … (Your gift is so poor … ); IX. Mne nuzhno serdtse chishche zlata (I need your heart to be purer than gold) (Double Chorus); VIII. Aria:…Yest' dar bestsenniy (…But there is a priceless gift) (Alto) 00:27:37 --
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