RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTMAS (Valaam Singing Culture Institute Men's Choir, Ushakov)

- Titel: RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTMAS (Valaam Singing Culture Institute Men's Choir, Ushakov). Balakirev, Mily Alexeyevich, Komponist -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Chesnokov, Pavel, Komponist -- Shvedov, Konstantin Nikolaevich, Komponist -- Stepanov, Fyodor, Komponist -- Trubachev, Sergy, Komponist -- Ushakov, Igor -- Valaam Singing Culture Institute Men's Choir, Chor
- Person(en): Balakirev, Mily Alexeyevich [Komposition] ; Chesnokov, Pavel [Komposition] ; Shvedov, Konstantin Nikolaevich [Komposition] ; Stepanov, Fyodor [Komposition] ; Trubachev, Sergy [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Valaam Singing Culture Institute Men's Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Russian Compact Disc, 2020
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: God Is with Us! (arr. I. Ushakov for male choir) 00:02:53 -- Svyshe prorotsy Tja predvozvestisha Otrokovitse (Aus der Höhe haben die Propheten von dir vorausgesagt, o Jungfrau …) 00:03:23 -- Bogoroditse Devo, radujsja (O Theotokos und Virgin, rejoice …) [Choral aus dem Kloster Walaam] 00:01:03 -- Bez semene ot Bozhestvennago Dukha (Nicht durch den Samen des Mannes, sondern durch den Geist Gottes…) [Bogorodichen, Choral aus dem Kloster Walaam im 3. Ton] 00:02:29 -- Glory To God In The Highest Heaven … [Small doxology. Valaam Monastery chant] (arr. I. Ushakov) 00:01:46 -- The Only-begotten Son 00:02:20 -- S nami Bog (Gott ist mit uns!) [Choral aus dem Solowezki-Kloster] 00:09:58 -- O Gladsome Radiance (arr. I. Ushakov for male choir) 00:02:03 -- Who is the King of Glory? [Znamenny Chant] 00:02:26 -- O Lord, Save the Pious People [Valaam Chant] 00:02:57 -- Today the Virgin is Giving Birth to the Pre-Eternal One [Valaam Chant, Tone 3] 00:02:24 -- They, who are Cherubims [Valaam Chant] (arr. I. Ushakov for male choir) 00:05:43 -- Do Take the Body of Christ [Valaam Chant] (arr. I. Ushakov for male choir) 00:01:24 -- Milost mira (A Mercy of Peace) [Valaam Monastery Chant] 00:07:07 -- Dnes Hristos v Vifleyeme razhdayetsia (Today Christ is born in Bethlehem) [Stanza, in tone II, Znamenny Chant] (arr. I. Ushakov) 00:02:51 -- Glory To God In The Highest Heaven [Sticheron, in tone VI, Znamenny Chant] (arr. I. Ushakov for male choir) 00:02:11 -- Thou Hast Visited Us, Thee Our Savior 00:02:01 -- Otche nash (Vater unser) 00:02:02 -- Blessed be the Name of the Lord 00:01:17 -- Praise Ye The Name Of The Lord [The Custom of the Holy Trinity St. Sergy Lavra] 00:04:33 -- From Above the Prophets (arr. K. Nikitin for male choir) 00:03:42 -- God Is with Us! 00:02:30 --
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