Russian Sacred Music - CHESNOKOV, P. / NIKITIN, K. / PANCHENKO, S. / SHVEDOV, K.N. (Valaam Singing Culture Institute Men's Choir, Ushakov)

- Titel: Russian Sacred Music - CHESNOKOV, P. / NIKITIN, K. / PANCHENKO, S. / SHVEDOV, K.N. (Valaam Singing Culture Institute Men's Choir, Ushakov). Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Chesnokov, Pavel, Komponist -- Gretchaninov, Alexander, Komponist -- Miller, Vladimir, Bass -- Palkin, Oleg, Gesang -- Panchenko, Semyon, Komponist -- Shvedov, Konstantin Nikolaevich, Komponist -- Starodubtsev, Valeri, Bass -- Trubachev, Sergy, Komponist -- Ushakov, Igor -- Valaam Singing Culture Institute Men's Choir, Chor
- Person(en): Chesnokov, Pavel [Komposition] ; Gretchaninov, Alexander [Komposition] ; Panchenko, Semyon [Komposition] ; Shvedov, Konstantin Nikolaevich [Komposition] ; Trubachev, Sergy [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Valaam Singing Culture Institute Men's Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Russian Compact Disc, 2020
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Große Ektene (bearb. von N. Uspensky) 00:06:49 -- Tinkhvinskoe (Es ist wahrlich angebracht und richtig) [Solowezki-Kloster] (bearb. von N. Uspensky) 00:02:03 -- I will lift up my eyes unto the heavens [A hymn of degrees, Tone 6, The Solovki Monastery Chant] 00:05:42 -- Slava v vyshnikh Bogu (Glory to God in the highest heaven …) [Valaam Monastery Chant] 00:01:44 -- The Voice of the Lord [Troparion im 8. Ton] (Gesungen auf Russisch) (bearb. von N. Uspensky) 00:01:19 -- O Gladsome Radiance (arr. I. Ushakov for male choir) 00:02:05 -- Bogoroditse Devo, radujsja (O Theotokos und Virgin, rejoice …) [Choral aus dem Kloster Walaam] 00:01:01 -- Taking up into Heaven … (arr. I. Ushakov) 00:01:34 -- Otche nash (Vater unser) 00:02:07 -- Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Ghospoda (Lobe den Herrn, o meine Seele) 00:05:02 -- Ot junosti moeja (From My Youth …) [Antiphon, tone 4, Valaam Monastery Chant] 00:02:01 -- Khvalite imja Gospodne (Praise Ye the Name of the Lord) [Znamenny chant] (arr. P. Chesnokov) 00:02:56 -- O marvel wonderful! [Stanza im 1. Ton, Znamenny-Choral] (Gesungen auf Russisch) (bearb. von I. Ushakov) 00:02:20 -- Presvjataja Bogoroditse (The Most Holy Theotokos) (arr. I. Ushakov for male choir) 00:03:11 -- Vo tsarstvii Tvoem (The Beatitudes) 00:03:50 -- Having the Divine grace of the Teacher … (bearb. von I. Ushakov) 00:01:40 -- In Thee rejoiceth every creature (arr. S. Trubachev) 00:03:37 -- Cherubische Hymne op. 27 Nr. 5 (Gesungen auf Russisch) 00:03:58 -- Milost mira (A Mercy of Peace) 00:04:41 -- God Is with Us [Solovki Chant] 00:09:56 --
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