Christ Church Choir Cambridge, Massachusetts - BACH, J.S. / CAESAR, A. / SELBY, L.B. (The Complete New English Hymnal Vol. 21)

- Titel: Christ Church Choir Cambridge, Massachusetts - BACH, J.S. / CAESAR, A. / SELBY, L.B. (The Complete New English Hymnal Vol. 21) / Choral Concert. Addison, Joseph, Dichter/Text -- Alington, Cyril, Dichter/Text -- Aquinas, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bode, John Ernest, Dichter/Text -- Bright, William, Dichter/Text -- Caesar, Anthony, Komponist -- Carey, Henry, Dichter/Text -- Christ Church Choir Cambridge, Massachusetts, Chor -- Dearmer, Percy, Dichter/Text -- Dearnley, Christopher -- Denny, Edward, Komponist -- Dix, William Chatterton, Dichter/Text -- Dubois, , Komponist -- Dudley-Smith, Timothy, Dichter/Text -- Elliot, Elisabeth, Dichter/Text -- Ferguson, William, Komponist -- Holst, Gustav, Komponist -- Jervois, William, Dichter/Text -- Jobling, Alexandra, Orgel -- Johnson, Basil, Komponist -- Lockhart, Charles, Komponist -- Luther, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Masons, John, Dichter/Text -- Matthews,, Komponist -- Milgrove, Benjamin, Komponist -- Morgan, Edmund R., Dichter/Text -- Murray, Komponist -- Murray, Andrew, Komponist -- Neale, John Mason, Dichter/Text -- Palmer, Ray, Dichter/Text -- Parry, Hubert, Komponist -- Rees, Timothy, Komponist -- Robinson, Joseph, Oboe -- Rosetti, Christina, Dichter/Text -- Santeul, Jean-Baptiste de, Dichter/Text -- Scheidt, Samuel, Komponist -- Schein, Johann Hermann, Komponist -- Selby, Luard B., Komponist -- Stewart, Charles Hylton, Komponist -- Tallis, Thomas, Komponist -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Watts, Isaac, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Bach, Johann Sebastian [Komposition] ; Caesar, Anthony [Komposition] ; Denny, Edward [Komposition] ; Dubois, [Komposition] ; Ferguson, William [Komposition] ; Holst, Gustav [Komposition] ; Johnson, Basil [Komposition] ; Lockhart, Charles [Komposition] ; Matthews, [Komposition] ; Milgrove, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Murray [Komposition] ; Murray, Andrew [Komposition] ; Parry, Hubert [Komposition] ; Rees, Timothy [Komposition] ; Scheidt, Samuel [Komposition] ; Schein, Johann Hermann [Komposition] ; Selby, Luard B. [Komposition] ; Stewart, Charles Hylton [Komposition] ; Tallis, Thomas [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Christ Church Choir Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Priory Records, 2005
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: He Who Would Valiant Be 00:02:06 -- Child of the Stable's Secret Birth 00:04:03 -- Eternal Power, whose high abode 00:01:35 -- Greensleeves "What Child Is This?" (Arr. C. Dearnley for Choir and Organ) 00:02:08 -- You, Living Christ, Our Eyes Behold 00:02:35 -- Psalm 104, "Praise the Lord" 00:02:31 -- O Little One Sweet (bearb. von J. S. Bach) 00:03:11 -- Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne 00:02:29 -- Laud, O Sion, thy salvation 00:09:16 -- Twin Princes of the Courts 00:02:40 -- Lo, in the wilderness a voice 00:02:01 -- Once, only once and once for all 00:02:17 -- Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart 00:02:29 -- The Lord my pasture shall prepare 00:03:37 -- In the bleak midwinter 00:05:30 -- Captains of the saintly band 00:02:36 -- Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts 00:02:43 -- Wherefore, O Father (arr. for choir and organ) 00:01:27 -- O Jesus, I have promised (Wolvercote) 00:03:18 -- God is love: let heav'n adore him 00:02:23 -- How shall I sing that majesty 00:03:24 -- Come, thou Holy Spirit, come 00:03:25 -- Psalm 145: Great is the Lord 00:02:47 -- Tis good, Lord, to be here! 00:02:07 -- Ye that Know the Lord Is Gracious 00:02:32 --
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